Please stay on topic in the forum
I am asking ... begging that all posts in this forum please stay on topic. This is a place to share ideas on the cost of healthcare and possible ways to keep the costs under control ... any posts to this forum that are not on topic will be deleted. Thank you for your cooperation. As this...
Voice of Reason
Healthcare Links
I will update these as I come across them ... Hopefully you will find information in these links that will be helpful to you!
CHIP - Children's Health Insurance Program
Office of Health Care Reform - Welcome
Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Aetna - Health, dental, pharmacy, group li...
Voice of Reason
Universal Health Care issue
Hello, In early 2011 when I first began gameplay with my nation, I remember one of the first issues being about whether or not to have universal health care for the nation. At the time I decided against universal health care. My nation was new and had only a moderately strong, but growing economy. Taxes...
Healthcare in Vietnam
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Vietnam ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Vietnam? Please help I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: http://www.ex...
Coveny’s plan for health care
Hello, This is going to be a fairly long post about what I believe is the solution to health care in America. I’m going to touch on the scientific reasons, the economic reasons, and also discuss the emotion impact. I’m going to try and give goals for each of my positions, as well as explanations on how thi...
"internal" hard qigong ?
Hello, I bought the book Bruce Kumar Frantzis wrote. And he says that in bagua there is a hard qigong set which does not involve hitting the body with objects, and that is why Wang Shu Jin was unbeatable. So why bother hitting your hand on bricks or other stuff if you can do it with pure qigong ? Please help...
Living with Polycystic Kidney Disease
Hello,  I am working on a school project in Biology about polycystic kidney disease. I was wondering what is it like to have polycystic kidney disease. How would you describe it and how does it affect your daily routines? Your help will be highly appreciated.  Please help  I didn't find the right solu...
Health Care Experience
Hello, I am currently waiting for an interview from Maimonides hospital in Brooklyn for a volunteer position. The department I applied for is called Companion, where our job is to under the supervision of Nurse Manager or Charge Nurse, assist in the provision of compassionate and attentive care sa...
Advice re private health insurance & medical card
Hi there, I have a dilemma and would like some advice or opinions please.I have had health insurance for about 10 years now and although our circumstances have changed financially (for the worst like the majority!) we have always managed to keep it. It helped last year as kids went free with VHI and the...
What great toddler playhouse have you come accross?
What great toddler playhouses you have come across? I know they are quite a big investment, but I know DD1 would love it. Looking around for some great playhouses for my 16 mo, don't want to go with regular kitchen set, any great ideas on making one of your own, or themes? I didn't find the right solution f...
The different electronic genres, it seems so confusing!
Hello All, You can find a pretty comprehensive guide to various EDM genres here. It's a little outdated because electronic music is constantly evolving, but it is in-depth and it features samples from a lot of different genres. If you want to get in deeper, feel free to pick one of our genre threads and...
Hey Guys my name is Bowen.I am a new user on this forum.I visited in this forum through the chain of Google.I am living in Australia.I am also very conscious about my health because its my personal thinking that health is wealth.I am also like the exercise and maintain my body slim&fit.And i hope th...
Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
Warning Signs Due to the increased use of mammography, most women are diagnosed at very early stages of breast cancer, before symptoms appear. However, not every breast cancer is detected through mammography. The most common symptoms of breast cancer are a change in the look or feel of the breast, a...
What is the Health Coverage Tax Credit?
What is the Health Coverage Tax Credit? The Trade Act of 2002 created a federal tax credit to help pay for private health insurance for displaced workers certified to receive certain Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits and for individuals receiving benefits from the Pension Benefit Guara...
Medicare Drug Coverage
Medicare Drug Coverage Center Information on the new Drug Program The New Drug Program The Medicare Drug Program Center is designed to help advocates, legislators, and consumers navigate?the new Medicare Part D prescription drug program. On January 1, 2006, Medicare's prescription drug b...
Preventing Skin Cancer
I thought this was a great article, so I'm posting it here. No offense to anyone who actually uses tanning beds, but it seems to me that if you can do something simple to actually prevent cancer, then that's probably a really good idea. MSNBC.comOpinion: Save your hide skip the tanning bed Don't buy wha...
Link to Health Reform in Action: The President's Plan.
Health Reform in Action Health reform makes health care more affordable, holds insurers more accountable, expands coverage to all Americans and makes our health system sustainable.
Dangers of Shoveling Snow --- Precautions to take!
As the colder weather decends upon us ... and a flurry or two can be seen ... I thought that it is important for everyone to know that Shoveling Snow can be dangerous ... although I do think that most of you already know this ... it's never a bad thing to remind those of you who will be out there ... in the cold ....
Presidential Candidates and Universal Healthcare Positions
If you are like me you have a great interest in what if anything that our presidential candidates have in mind for healthcare ... I am going to visit each of the websites for all three of the candidates (Clinton; Obama; McCain) and post what their position is concerning healthcare.
Excellent Article on Healthcare & One of the GOP Presidential Candidates...Highly Recommended
Gross: The GOP's Flawed Health-Care Reform For some reason, Rudy Giuliani thinks you and I can do a better job negotiating for health insurance than big corporations with deep pockets. Time for a reality check on health-care reform.WEB EXCLUSIVEBy Daniel GrossNewsweekUpdated: 4:38 p.m. ET Aug 9...
PA Insurance: Office of Administrative Hearings
Administrative Hearings Office The Administrative Hearings Office receives filings, conducts hearings and prepares adjudications in matters concerning insurance laws and regulations.?Hearings are held on certain insurance policy terminations as well as many other?types of cases. The he...
Link to the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance
The Pennsylvania Insurance Department is an objective source of information that can help you understand the complexities of your insurance coverage. When it comes to insurance, knowledge is your best policy. Resources for Consumers PA Department of Insurance -->
Learn about the Health Coverage Coalition for the Uninsured
Earlier today, at a press event here in Washington, a new coalition of the largest physician, hospital, business, insurance, pharmaceutical, and consumer organizations in the U.S.--including Families USA--announced a groundbreaking agreement to work together to expand health coverage for...
Voice of Reason
PA Chip program expanded to cover all uninsured children!
CHIP - Children's Health Insurance Program All uninsured children and teens will have access to heatlh insurance, regardless of family income.No family should think they earn too much to qualify for CHIP. Please follow this link and give us your contact information. We will be happy to follow...
Voice of Reason
ER Dos and Don’ts: Misuse of emergency room care raises health care costs.
Have you ever visited the emergency room to treat a cold or the flu? What about for minor cuts or bruises? If you're one of the millions of Americans who misuse emergency room services, you're contributing to the high cost of health care and may not even know it.
It's estimated that one in five visit...
Voice of Reason
Rendell says he aims to cut health care costs in 2007
Rendell says he aims to cut health care costs in 2007
By MARC LEVY, Associated Press Writer , The Associated Press
Gov. Ed Rendell said Monday that he will roll out a plan to lower health care costs by forcing hospitals and other care providers to be...
Voice of Reason
Will the Real "Cost Drivers" Please Stand Up?
Health care costs have been climbing at double-digit rates in each of the past few years. Health care costs continue to grow faster than inflation and are annually consuming a larger portion of the overall economy. This spiraling cost results in a logical question: "What are the cost d...
Voice of Reason
What You Can Do
What You Can Do
While we can't stop the aging process, we can take steps to ensure a longer and healthier life while helping to control our healthcare costs.
If exercise is not part of your regular daily routine, make time to get moving. Walking three or four times a week at a brisk pace for 30 minut...
Voice of Reason
How are consumers helping to control costs?
How are consumers helping to control costs?
Consumers have accepted the concept of ?consumer-driven health care.? Willing to purchase health plans with higher deductibles and higher out-of-pocket costs, consumers are concerned not only with the quality of their medical care but th...
Voice of Reason
Healthcare 101 Prescription Drugs Major Driver for Health Care Plans
The cost of prescriptions is expected to rise at about 24% each year. This is an area where we really need to pay attention to what we use. Major pharmaceutical companies advertise heavily to sell new drugs. Sometimes these medications are an improvem...
Voice of Reason