In early 2011 when I first began gameplay with my nation, I remember one of the first issues being about whether or not to have universal health care for the nation. At the time I decided against universal health care. My nation was new and had only a moderately strong, but growing economy. Taxes were relatively high compared to where they are now, and I didn't want a big government program to slow the economy of the young nation.Times have changed since then. Our economy is amongst the strongest in the world, and taxes are at just 6%. My nation can definitely afford healthcare now, problem is that I never have received that issue ever since that one time last year. I have received many other issues repeatedly over the past few months, but never the one I really want another chance at. Any reason to get every other issue over and over again, but not the healthcare issue. Has it been retired?
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
While there are many nations that have been successfully thriving with universal health care, I still prefer the health care system to have some amount of privatization too. It can have many benefits, such as less pressure on the government and the availability of services like private health management.