I can certainly appreciate the squabbling over all the rules, especially after Fay made such a flailing leap into the limelight. Start the timer on her fifteen minutes of fame. The rules should be followed to the letter and there definitely should be more respect shown both to the audience and to the council members. Unless you attend a council meeting, it is difficult to see or hear the comments being made by both bodies.
There have been comments made "over there" about people on council about their size, weight, intelligence, etc. One thing that irritates me about some of the speakers (other than the fact that they speak out of their asses) is the fact that they show up there looking like they just stepped out of a dustbin. And don't give me that hard-working-manly-man crap. There was a post made AGES ago about one of the speakers -- some half-wit called Lee Morgan a :::gag::: "hottie in a hoodie". Well, he must have read that and has taken to wearing his wife-beater t-shirt and skanky sweatshirt as his council uniform. I'm not saying he should be wearing a tuxedo, but for the love of Mike, wear something that hasn't crawled out of his hamper. Your appearance does not make us think you are the ultimate hard-working-manly-man, it makes us (me - my o-p-i-n-i-o-n) think the topics you discuss at the podium are as inconsequential to you as your appearance.
And who the hell was the guy last night trying to speak around that mouthful of GUM? I am certainly not Miss Manners, but show some respect for the office these councilpeople hold. You obviously don't respect the individual and you claim to respect the office, SHOW IT by at least pretending to be civil - it's only for five minutes.