After reading some very disturbing posts by Joe Pilchesky on his website (all by him under various accounts/names) I decided to look a little deeper into his psyche. FYI he deleted my post and account when I questioned why he used so many different names. I think I may have figured out the answer...
I believe Joe is suffering from major authority figure issues stemming from his relationship with his father. I also think this ties into his latent homoerotic feelings, which you see him refer to almost daily on his site. His obvious homophobia also gives this away.
Look at this recent post from one of his psuedo accounts ------------------------------------—-------------------------
Mayor Wingtips (Senior Member) 2010-07-24 19:05:20
RE: Decades of oppression, control and manipulation by media and politicians + Austin Burke = justice served Reminds me of when my father told me he was disappointed that I never became anything. All I could do was look at him in amazement and give him the respect of keeping my mouth shut. He probably couldn't tell anyone what school I went to. That's how involved he was in my education.
It starts at home. Teachers can pull off some miracles, but they can't be parent and teacher and expect to have great results. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Here is a classic reference about Joe's own childhood, using a fake account to psychologically protect himself. It's a classic defense mechanism. I'll post more examples regarding his fasicination with attacking male authority figures (judges, mayors etc etc)
Interesting is his passion for protecting the "mother figure", aka Janet Evans. I would infer his own mother tried to stop his father from abusing him (hypothectical) and now he is trying to replay his childhood fears, and get revenge (aka help Mommy take down the bad man=the Mayor). Another example of this would be his wife and the various judges throughout the state he believes are out to get him (paranoid delusional, kinda obvious there).
Anyway, I'll add some more posts when I get some free time.
Thanks for the welcome. In case you didn't pick up on it, my board name is a play on the notorious "Anti" from the other board. I have a profile for him as well. That is an easy one though, racism stems from ignorance and (lack of) upbringing and sometimes childhood incidents brought out into adulthood. They are quite a pair! It's a joy to analyze the psychlogical problems in these people, they just spill out everything one needs to do the analysis. Although many times it's disturbing.
Analyze away ... maybe you can help us to understand these crack pots ... And I give you a hearty welcome as well to our board!
You should have known that you would be banned from DD ... you dared to criticize and bring to light on Joe's board what we at this board had known all along. Joe and his multiple personalities probably if you take a real look at it .... make up about half ... maybe more of the registered membership at DD ... I will say this though it takes some sort of talent to keep them straight ... he does every now and again slip up ... but not often.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Hey do me a favor ... if you analyze me ... could you send me a private message to let me know that you did it.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I'm not big on surprises. You won't be banned for it either.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
He views him as "the hero underdog", that much is obvious. It's classic inferiority complex, Anti suffers from it as well. Here is a classic example, Joe posts some nonsense about another failed lawsuit of his, wasting taxpayer dollars by giving our courts busy work...then posts a compliment to himself:
-------------------- Whores R Us (Senior Member) 2010-07-27 21:38:50
RE: Pilchesky v. McDowell - down to my last arrow to take Kenny down - Supreme Court Brief is the end of the line You're Robin Hood. You only need one arrow.
It's been a ride and a half with Kenny and everything the judges have done here to cover his ass. Let's hope the Supreme Court judges know a straight and true arrow when they see one.
Very impressive Brief, by the way. Good luck. Hey, at least Kenny knows he's been in a fight. Like the poster above said, you've exposed a lot in the McDowell case. It's worth its weight in gold in my book no matter what happens down there. ----------------
I'd also note with the comment "at least Kenny knows he's been in a fight" quote that Joe already knows he has lost another waste of taxpayer dollar lawsuit. After that happens the "crony judges" comments will ensue.
Why were you banned from DD ... just kidding. I like your posts ... please keep them rolling in! And again I ask that if you do it to me please let me know first so I am prepared.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Welcome Pro...sorry for the delay in saying that, as I've been out of pocket for a bit this week.
I love the Pilchecky vs. Kenny McD. talk. In one key way they are both pretty similar: I think both Ken and Joe are idiots, but being an idiot and being a crook are two different things. On the good news front though, voters can actually deal with Kenny McD. Pilchesky, on the other hand, will continue to ply his idiot trade until such time as the last of his braincells withers due to Alzheimers.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.