Wondering if its true that Mcguigans' son and a certain south side chick had an abortion back in high school? Could this pillar of society who tells people that their children need to take responsibility know this? Is it true? Hmmm
Wow ... I just don't even have anything else to say ... I think Joe should take that one down!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Take it down? Is this any worse than the "Judy Gatelli's daughter ___________________"? Hell, Pilchesky himself started an entire thread dedicated to slandering not just Judy, but her entire family, right down to her grandchildren.
Glenn if your standard is that this crossed the line and that it should come down, then honestly, about 25-30% of the whole freak'n board should come down because this line has been crossed many, many times.
-- Edited by Agamemnon on Saturday 15th of August 2009 04:48:25 PM
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.