Question for Joe: If Doherty loses what happens to My friends and I were just having a nice cool drink when someone popped that question. Does Joe Pilchesky go away if Chris Doherty loses this election? And, does DD go with him?
My friends and I were just having a nice cool drink when someone popped that question. Does Joe Pilchesky go away if Chris Doherty loses this election? And, does DD go with him?
DD and Joe Pilchesky are here to stay. We've only just begun.
Whatever it's called, I guarantee all of you that it will always be the canvass of freespeech.
You'll always be able to come here and paint and see what others have painted.
You need only a brush to paint here, any size will do.
As Americans, you were all born with one.
"The people should not fear their government, the government should fear the people"
How sappy and sick is that response .... Paint and teach your kids to paint ... is that going to be the title of his second book ... what was the title of the first one ... something about a mouse ... anyway
Now I have no proof ... but I am thinking that this brand spanking new poster is Pilchesy also ... because what he writes is such a Pilchesky thing to say.
I can't think what might happen. I'd like to see it continue and expand having segregated forums for each community in the county.
This board is unique in that it doesn't play fair. Although fair play used to be a normal value for most middle class Americans, our current culture doesn't allow for it. Playing fair has not changed the culture of corruption in government it only enabled it. The lawmakers and politicians count on us to play fair, by the rules and laws passed by the lawmakers and politicians, yet those rules and laws are formulated to allow wide gaping holes in accountability.
This is political guerilla warfare and it's not everybody's cup of tea.
This guy must be really bored as he carries on such detailed conversations with himself ... wow.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.