This is a supposedly professional letter sent out by the President of the STPA ... They should wonder no more why they are not taken seriously ... why people laugh at them .... Come on Ozzie .... what the hell were you thinking when you sent out this letter.
I received this update on tax relief from Ozzie Quinn today.
Hello Everyone:
Yesterday Marie Schumaker, Kay Condi, Tom Ungvarsky and I traveled to Harrisburg to participate in the state-wide taxpayers' coalition rally to support HB 1275. HB 1275 purpose is to eliminate school property taxes by shifting taxation to the eliminate sales tax items. it does not increase the sales tax. Items that most low-income and middle income people do not consume are under the sales tax gun. As Nelson eliminate says, there is a story regarding yesterday's Harrisburg's Rally in the Scranton "Slimes" today on Page A8. However, the reporters attendance figure is off by about 500 persons. HB 1275 is important to all taxpayers outside of Scranton because it impacts their taxes.
Also, as reported in the "Slimes", Pg. 3, also, there is a story where a rally was held in Scranton with Mayor Doherty as the principal, in support of Governor Rendell's $2.6 billion proposal to fund education on an equitable basis. The problem here is that we, the taxpayer, must pay off the $2.6 billion, whereas, HB 1275 eliminates school property taxes. Sorry to say, Senator Mellow has been again intimidating enough for our Lackawanna County state legislators to support Rendell's $2.8 billion tax increase, while preventing the legislators from supporting HB 1275. Not one Lackawanna County legislator attended the HB 1275 Rally 200 feet from their Harrisburg office in the Capitol rotunda.
Presently, the Scranton School Board with their irresponsible spending of our tax dollar has a produced presently a long-term financial indebtedness of approximately $300 million, which the taxpayers are responsible for paying off. The school board is presently negotiating with two union contracts, i.e. the teachers and service workers union. The teachers are currently paying $8100 yearly for their health benefits. The spin-off is that some of our best educators are leaving the Scranton School District to contiguous school districts that offer better health benefits, and from my own personal opinion rightfully so. The Board continued last night its irresponsible spending by increasing two administrative salaries. The bottom line is with the union demands and the increase in heating fuel, gasoline, and food, our property taxes are going to be increased in the next budget. The district's budget must include the increase in heating fuel, gasoline and food price increase.
The Scranton "Slimes" on Page 1 today notes what Marie Schumaker and Janet Evans have been forewarning us at the Council meetings that Doherty is going to request from his symbiotic 3 member council a $11 million loan to fund the remaining 2008 city budget. Presently, according to responsible people the city administration is presently in the ball park of $400 million long-term indebtedness.
Last week, at the county level, the County Commissioners (all 3) voted to refinance their debt, via loan of $5.3 million. This means that the present current long-term county indebtedness increases to from $202 million to $207 million. The taxpayers are also responsible for paying off this indebtedness.
Pro rating the county indebtedness, the Scranton taxpayers are currently in long-term financial debt over $.75 billion. Yes, that's 3/4 of a billion dollars, coming from all or your pockets.
Yet, under HB 1275 the school property long-term indebtedness would be eventually paid by the sales tax and their will be a 1% decrease in the disgraceful eanrneded (wage) income tax. Why are not our county, city, borough, and townships supporting HB 1275Pleaseae ask, write or email Senator Mellow, and state House legislators: Shimkus; Smith; Staback and Wanzcak, to support HB 1275.
Last, but not least, in Scranton, it is very important that the taxpayer members go to the City Council meetings starting tonight, and speak against this Doherty $1 million loan. It's our money, therefore, we and our children, grand children, and most likely our great grand children will have to continue paying it off. For what? As again Nelson Ancherani will say: hiring 59 cronies; $15 million raises and pay increases for crones; a bridge that goes now where; arbitration costs and losses; Scranton Today being tossed off of Channel 61 coverage; South-Side Complex to "Da U"; 7 years of labor strife; arbitration losses; 25% property tax increase; violating his own Recovery Plan; Not paying attention to Janet Evan's proposed budgets, with his own 7 record budgets; green-black fish pond; retuneing souldiers from Iragq not being made whole; homeowners losing homes du to $2,000 penalty; $803,000 to the Parking Authority this year, even thugh the authority received a $35 million loan; undrsize police station that is falling apart; $750,000 paid for Public Safety when it was a vilation of the previous Recovery Plan; $300,000 for Chirstmas lights at Nay Aug: Stopping the kids from swimming at Nay Aug if they are poor or low income or whatever; demolishing building at city cost for private owners; sale of "Muni" golf course, blew $3 million Mayor Connor surplus, etc. etc.
The last two weeks, I was recuperating from eye surgery, and did not address the City Council. However, watching on Scranton Today's Channel 61 the meeting and other governmental meeting city and county-wide, I realize how more important it is to keep Scranton Today to receive the news without editing and spin!
We have to come together, NOW!!
Thanks, Ozzie Quinn
I understand that most people know you as "Ozzie" but when running an association should you not use your given name rather than a nickname ... and do you not know how to use your spell check before you hit send or print ... How the F#ck do you ever expect to be taken seriously ... For God sake you didn't even spell Christmas right!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
One comment to go with the above post ... I don't really like to critique peoples posts for spelling (I just kid around about Granma's posts) ... but when you are trying to give the appearance that you are a professional association you should at least check your correspondence you intend to send out for typo's .... I would be embarrassed to have my name attached to that letter.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
The "letter' is a bitch-fest. Calling a newspaper the "Scranton Slimes" may sound somehow hip and ironic when the SLTA crew is sitting around the table, but when it's put in writing it says more about the writer than it does the (actual) Scranton Times. I wonder if he had a 12 year old think up the name "Scranton Slimes" for him?
Every time Ozzie opens his mouth or puts his fingers to the keyboard, he comes across as nothing more than a whiney little child that is upset his mom wouldn't buy him a new toy. He needs to grow the hell up. Facts can be presented in a professional, dignified way. Individuals can dissent from the actions of their government in ways that actually HELP their cause, rather than what Ozzie does, which is to actually HARM his cause.
The SLTA is a's full of bored people with axes to grind. Ozzie is a joke...he's a guy that throws stones from inside a glass (rabbit family) house.
-- Edited by Agamemnon at 07:32, 2008-06-04
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.