RE: Steve Corbett - What if mayor laid off union members? Steve is a carnie barker. [A low title for sure, but ever so slightly above 'Internet Bully' in stature.] He gets paid to stir $hit, that's the only way to make it stink. [Sniff, sniff? What's that I smell? Steve Corbett? No, it appears that Milo has returned. Oh, speaking of $hit...] Repeats himself way too much [Like your poster AntiSemiticMovements? Anti has three basic posts that he repeats over and over again.] and cuts speakers off way too often.He gets his orders like every other soldier. [As does everyone else who is not self-employed. Quite the revelation there Joe.] If he doesn't follow them, he gets his walking papers. I'll take the hour, one of his. [BINGO...that's the real point here Joe, that's what you really want. Guess what? I've heard you speak and you suck. Radio voice? If you have a radio voice, then I have a TV face.] Love Sue Henry, [Of course you do, she let's you talk]she doesn't get hysterical like Steve and she can lock on to the story for what it's worth. [Tid bit: When confronted with some of the worst of DD's me...Sue responded with "well it's just a gossip website". Like that one Joe?] Kevin simply struggles tofind credibility as a radio personality, has his moments, but should have left home sooner. That Mom thing [What the hell are you talking about?] lingers in his opinions all too often.That male insecurity drives listeners nuts. [Unlike manly man Joe Pilchesky, huh? I neither hate nor love Kevin Lynn, but I will say this: he gets paid to do a radio show and you do not. Case closed.]
Steve, you're pissing all over yourself every day. Firepower in radio is truth and reality. [Reality? You mean like a vast conspiracy involving Irish Catholics to conquer the world?] We already know what it is and we have to listen to you reshape it to someone's political benefit. Must suck. I know, I know, you'd like to hammer them all with the truth [Truth? Like those websites you were going to start, like the papers you have said you were going to serve to council members right after they returned from recess, like the alternative publication you were going to distribute, etc.?] every day, but the man at the top says no. NEPA, land of the sheep, starting at the top. [Maybe you are right Joe...he should start by doing some investigative know, on a subject like children who ignore their parents until they are close to death so that they can then raid the estate afterwards. What do you think? Good topic?] Pull a Stern, [I love the Howard Stern references, as if it makes you (Joe) seem somehow like a hip, relevant rebel. Well guess what? I've been listening to Howard Stern since the 80's when he was in Washington DC & I lived in York. Based on that 20+ years of experience listening to his show, I'm pretty sure that Stern would think that you are just another a$$hole.] lock the door on management, put a naked babe in the booth with youand do your own thing.
So when the dust settles, Steve Corbett will still work in radio, so will Kevin Lynn and so will NOT Joe Pilchesky. Stick to carpentry and beating up drunks (apparently) do those things well.
-- Edited by Agamemnon at 07:02, 2007-11-29
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
I have to tell you AG we Irish Catholics are going to take over this world ... you might not like it ... but we will ... you know in the beginning I thought the ICN was a fantasy in Anti's mind ... but ever since I purchased a Green Volvo and showed up at Holy Rosary Church for the 11:30 mass ... driving it ... you must attend the 11:30 mass ... that's when there are signs up that say only Irish welcome ... well nothing but good things have been happening for me ... Hell I'm going to be able to retire this June ... I'm finally rolling in the dough ... and it's all because I'm Irish and Catholic and well ... every one knows once we purchas a green Volvo its a sign that we are ready to take our place on the Grand ICN Council ... I'm hoping that one day soon I will be the president ... dare to dream ... that will require me to go to Ireland and spend 2 months in training ... but since I will be able to retire soon ... I will have nothing but time on my hands!
God I love being Irish Catholic!
As for Joe Pilchesky ... he will never have a radio talk show ... the Grand Council has deemed it so at our weekly meeting!
LOL .... could you just imagine if that were really the way things worked! There wouldn't be one poor or working class (Shanty) Irishman in the city of Scranton we would all be signing on for what Anti and Joe deem as the good life ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.