JUDYandTHEstopANDgo has deleted their account at DD after this post early this morning.
I guess going 0-2 as the spawn's crackpot campaign advisor is really smarting. But wait, isn't the SSD basketball season starting to kick into high gear. Makes you wonder if JUDYandTHEstopANDgo is one of QUeen JaNUt's Pyschotic Twins?
JUDYandTHEstopANDgo don't go away MAd, just GO AWay and get prepared to answer those questions from the FBI and the COncerned Parents of SSD students with regards to teachers and SSD employees posting on a hatesite.
As I officicially announce my retirement from posting under this "anonymous" user name our only regret is that I was not offensive enough to be named in Judy's lawsuit. Before I go I would like to share something with you. Below are the results of a common google search of the name "Judy Gatelli". By the 1024 results some of which I tried to post but it was too long...here is the link
so you can see what her name has become attached to. We should all be so proud to have a national public figure and laughing stock at our beckon call. One can only hope that Mr. McGoff has the sense of humorto re-elect the Queen of the Doherty Guzzlers council President again...here is to you Bob...by the way janet and Bill would vote for you for president...got the balls to take the reigns from the medicate crack pot that has embarrassed herself and our city so well? I didnt think so...Google will double its hits under her name in 2 months. ROFLMA
You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.
Poor Janet Evans. (The Scranton Janet Evans, that is) If you google her name, you have to sift through a million articles about the figure skater to get to one about her... but anyway.
Don't worry folks, it won't take long before a new screen name appears for Chris Evans to post under. I give it two days...tops.
Wasn't 'Judy...' supposed to make some grand presentation to city council about how Judy Gatelli once shorted a cash register by $1.25 thirty years ago?
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
Yes Ag ... JudyandTheStopandGo was supposed to expose something very big ... and Joe Pilchesky was supposed to serve Judy with a lawsuit per week for the first 6 or 8 weeks of council meetings ... and thus far ... we have seen neither of these things become a reality ... it's all fiction in the sick little minds of these two posters!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.