you can't make this stuff up. that's the outfit he wore yesterday!!!! the only thing missing is the dreaded dreds themselves. does PUKEboy or PUKEboy's beast dress Sammy?
The clothes are just a part of what makes Sammy such character, and he does play the part so well. Think about it: it's as if Pilchesky had roles for actors to play...
Angry Black Man - Sammy Patilla Bitter Old Lady - Fay Franus Business-looking Guy with a Shady Background - Ozzie Quinn Besheveled Working Class Guy - Lee Morgan Town Whiner - Les Spindler Conspiracy Theorist & General All-Around Headcase - Anti Glad-Handing/Self-Serving Politician - Janet Evans Groupie - NotADumbBlonde Enabling Spouse - Edith Pilchesky King of the Spartans/Hero to "BottomFeeders"/Liberator of Small Fish - Joe Pilchesky
...and of course no drama would be complete without an evil-genius arch-nemesis, Chris Doherty (complete with his SPECTRE-esque evil organization, the ICN).
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
Sammy Boy - at 1:30AM put down the bong and go to bed bro, stay away from the computer. Check out Sammy Boy's rant and retort to of all people Antisystemicmovements. I had to have a second cup of coffee this morning to work through that whole thread. Ever wonder what it would be like to watch the village idiots verbally spare with one another. Well here you have it.I like the part where Sammy Boy states he won't shop at stores because that some how in his mind supports Doherty. All I know is Phyllis should consider limiting Sammy Boys computer time just like the kids.
Hey before you check into dora doraaaaaaahty's hotel toot-tea-fruity can I have your computer (s), I'll car-pool with Nobody to pick them/it up, that way we can save on gas.
Now what's this about me living in a "HIGH" Crime area - No one mentioned that when we purchased this home - Although, My neighbors and I are subjected daily to the liter of some of the nastiest, laziest and the filthiest people I've been exposed to in sometime
[excluding those charged with running this city aka dora doraaaaaaaathy's administration],
I don't know what's worse the drive bye litter bugs that discard their trash as they drive bye or the somma-boy-itch that left one of Mrs. "Z"'s shopping carts in front of OUR home, now that I think about it I'm not to thrilled with those driving bye playing that loud behind music of theirs either [but the kids of "ALL" races are guilty of that!].
One of My neighbors informed me months ago that many of the kids heading to & from that booze/quicky stop shop on Pittston Ave. are known to discard their crap/garbage around here like we're their maids or something - Guest I'll just continue to pick it up until I can devise a plan to shove it down their throats that won't require me having to pay a visit to one of the local magistrates/judges.
I don't visit that Mall much - but that's simply because I'm trying "NOT" to support anything that dora doraaaaaaaathy has a hand in (don't won't the FEDS claiming I'm an accessory to any of her crimes against the city & its residents)
Actually I wouldn't shop there again if it was the only mall in a 3 STATE district, I've never seen any amount of Afro-Americans inside that place that I couldn't count on both My hands since arriving here.
That's probably because quite a few of those people "WEREN'T" Afro-Americans but Africans, Jamaicans, Dark Skinned South Americans {Latinos} & Dark Skinned Mexicans, etc., etc.. So I guess it's a good thing that I don't group "PEOPLE" into any specific category because it would show ME for the arse-hole that I was!
Even if they were "ALL" Afro-Americans it really wouldn't make much difference because when you reside in an area that has a track record of giving Afro-Americans [Dark-Skinned People] twice, trice the amount of time in prison/longer jail sentences than non-minorities, the family members/loved ones [of those con-victs] have a track record of moving into the area where the jail/prison is located to be closer to them because it's cheaper than commuting - Hey maybe that's one of dora-doraaaaaathy's plans to take your home!
Lock enough of them up until the area is over run with undesirables [i.e., the family members & hoodlum loving scum buckets], force you to move, pick up your home for a song and a dance and rent it out at trice the amount they'd get from renting to a non-minority.
Better keep your head out of the clouds if you have any school aged children - not because of the possibility of them joining a gang with this massive influx of Dark-Skinned NON Afro-Americans, that quite a few NON-Minorities have the nasty habit of labeling as Afro-Americans/BLACKS because of their skin color.
[non-minorities don't join gangs & the daily newscast of the non-minority youth shown being lead away in cuffs for committing crimes aren't the norm in this area, they're just holding down the fort as "CRIMINALS" until the Afro-Americans & other Dark Skinned People complete their migration.]
but because they'll run out of available student loans because we all know that the Gubberment doesn't put money into areas highly populated with Afro-Americans & other Dark Skinned People/Minorities.
Well actually they do it's just that people like dora-doraaaaaaaathy, 95% of the current School Board and the cronies that dora-doraaaaathy hires will suck up "ALL" that money (just like they're doing now) for themselves, and the crony off-spring will be the only ones able to afford and or be offered "HIGHER ED-U-MA-CAY-TION" because the Tax Paying Roles will be "REDUCED" even further than they already are & those funds will disappear into the belly of some bull-squat project with the full support of the sheep/minions!
Don't forget about the computer (s) - I'm really good and breathing life into machines that have been cast aside and or forced to walk the dora-doraaaaaaaathy policy plank,
unless of course you purchased it from a vendor located within the "Steam-Burrowing Holes into the Tax payers Pockets Mall",
Phyllis said I can't be anymore strays home (She sez, it's a boy-itch getting the dora-doraaaaaaaaathy stench off of it/them.)
You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.
I don't think Sammy realizes that that Mall was built before Doherty was on council or Mayor ... he had nothing to do with it. It was Jim McNulty if I am remembering right that dreamed this up and Jimmy Connors who built it ... kind of blows the theory of "If you build it they will come" ... Sammy has not been around long enough to know these things though!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
As a chubby little white girl, I wholeheartedly agree with Samboy on this subject and would LOVE it if he would get up at the next City Council meeting and read his above post verbatim. And be sure to include hecky and shecki-ness of it all. It would prove his point and show the world just what a political presence he is in our fair city.
"dora doraaaaaaahty's hotel" "toot-tea-fruity" "somma-boy-itch" "arse-hole" "hoodlum loving scum buckets" "the Gubberment" (would he be offended if I now called him BUCKWHEAT?) "HIGHER ED-U-MA-CAY-TION" "it's a boy-itch"
sam i Guess "DA FEDS" took there orange jumpsuits/wrist bracelets with them. you need now call O'BEEE ONE and set the record straight for OPEN/HONEST Government. Dora Doraaaaaty ISNT goen to PEN [nor his crooked/CORRUPT cronies)neither]
What now Sam?I say take you and your BS USMC stories with you and go back to the sewer you crawled out of!
Girl - Sammy Boy doesn't have the brains or courage to go before council and read his post verbatim. He be too busy lookin' all super fly and given' a shout out to Phyllis and his homies. Besides check this latest rant about Kenny - he even used the phrase hecky-schecky. BTW, Sammy Boy you ask the question - How in the cyber heccky-sheccky did I wind-up in this "CORRUPT & CROOKED" locale?
Gee Sammy Boy if you can't answer were outta luck cause we keep asking that same question every day since you showed them golden jammies and fake dreadlocks at council meetings.
These people send Minorities and the Poor to Jail for years on end for a lot less and the best that they could come up with is "Incompetence".
I wonder who's lying about the Bar Tab?
I wonder if the employees where mistaken about the lapse in Tax Payments allowed to a chosen few?
This wasn't unexpected, especially since it only took them 3 months to conduct an audit, where as those employed to audit that office a few years back claimed an audit to be almost impossible.
3 months, it takes the F.B.I.'s D.C. office that long to tie their shoes - 3 months what a joke.
How in the cyber heccky-sheccky did I wind-up in this "CORRUPT & CROOKED" locale?
I hope the word doesn't get out to the low-life criminals that "ALL" they have to do is claim "Incompetence or Lou Gehrig's Disease" and they'll stand an excellent chance of walking away Scott Free or should that be McDowell Free!
Probably not considering the numerous trips I made to the County Court House and the time Phyllis spent there on Jury duty and our observations of the make-up of the JURY POOLS.
You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.
Sam Patilla Posts: 302 Date: Jul 25 12:48 PM, 2008 Views: 135 Nothing against the Women [cause boy do I lubbs the Female gender - well some of them anyhoo] but there are already 4 Women on the Council and that's enough!
Jeez, could Sammy play into racial sterotypes any more? For his next trick is he going to end every post by saying "Otay!"?
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
well what I want to know ... who is the fourth woman ... is he calling McGoff a woman ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I have not seen the Wilkes Barre Council meetings ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
The only times I've seen them is when they flash snippets of them on the local news stations. Who knows, maybe it's not council, but commissioners meetings...
-- Edited by His Girl Thursday at 09:47, 2008-07-28
from Samboy - in his infinite wisdom referencing a new Latin Club
::: drunks on the corner of Genet & Cedar and now drunks in the 2200 block of Pittson - this should be good when the two sides clash! :::
Mister Diversity, the bastard child of Mister Free-Speech, just can't handle it anymore. Maybe all the "drunks" he refers to should hang out on the corner of South Webster and Genet. Poor Samboy, he just can't be pleased.
Sammy Boy. lay off the mad dog 20/20 to wash down the pain meds for the back injury. Especially before you post.
Thursday, following is the hecky-schecky post from the Boy Wonder.
First he dispariges the gentleman for starting the club - Gee Sammy Boy a little jealous because someone came to Scranton and is trying to amke a positive difference. Then hemakes it seam like (w)rappers [Sammy Boy check the spelling or at least have Phylis do it for you IdIoT] were the rage long before the Latino community ever heard of them. The he's worried about drunks from one club mixing it up with others.
Then the coup de gras of his rant is he posts 3 articles from the late eighties about the original Latin Club in Manhattan.
Where's JOey to edit for clarity or tell us what Sammy Boy is really trying to say. BTW Sammy Boy what ever happened to the lawn cutting business?
Sammy Boy's (Oswald Bates) rants speak for themselves - can't make this sh*t up!!!
Is that the same crony gonzalez that appears annually in front of council in support of doh. Because if it is, his arse is broke and this would mean someone else put up the funds [I hope like helllle Tax Payer monies weren't used for this - then again I do because now even more locals will feel the wrath of the "CORRUPT & CROOKED" and just like in the case of doh that gonzalez is nothing but a crony front for their demise.
Wonder how far that place is from My home - Have to take a trip down to 2200 block of Pittston, especially considering that just about every wrapper mentioned in that piece has been out of main stream wrapp since the new age Hip Hoppers took center stage (approx. 10 - 20 years).
drunks on the corner of Genet & Cedar and now drunks in the 2200 block of Pittson - this should be good when the two sides clash!
You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.
have you been checking out his posts under the latin club? UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!! and what did Pedro ever do to this guy? I guess the same thing I did and the same thing Diane Boone did and that's simply is to exist and have a better life than he does!!! Pedro just doesn't sit around and play on a web site all day and go to Konsil meedins and complain about the hardships of life, Pedro Gonzalez is ALWAYS working being proactive trying to live his dream and help others where he can. Because you taste some success around here means you're tied to the administration? by the way, did anyone see the news about the former Newark mayor convicted of corruption? why isn't Sam Boy back at home going to Newark council meetings???
main reason: wouldn't be tolerated next reason: puppet master puke boy isn't there feel free to insert the 2 zillion other reasons
Pedro doesn't recite the mantra of "Doherty Evil", therefore he is mocked and ridiculed by the DD Toadies. It doesn't matter that he's a relatively well-spoken guy, that he tries to do things for his community, that he acts like a human being when he speaks at Konsil meetings...what matters is that he doesn't apparently hate the right kind of people.
If Pedro went up the podium at Konsil meetings and did a "Sammy Patilla", getting all hecky-shecky about oppression, cops stalking him and generally sounding like a lunatic, then I suspect the DD Toadies would be singing a different tune.
Pedro is guilty of the high crime of being civil.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
Pedro is always respectful to everyone ... he goes to the podium and speaks positivly about the city of Scranton and the upcoming activities that try and bring a community together rather than tear them apart ... he is an asset to this community ... and I would also like to note that while he is doing all of this he is raising money for charity ... He seems to always give a portion of the money he raises to the Lupus Foundation ... he is someone the community can be proud of ... and looks for the good in all situations ... he makes a difference ... they can't stand that.
How very sad for them that they cannot be open to the good things he is doing for this coummunity!
-- Edited by LusOnlyVoice at 04:32, 2008-08-06
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Samboy doesn't hold anyone in high esteem that he hasn't met in the Big House.
"the Big House"....I thought that's how Sammy refers to the Pilchesky residence, as in...
"I'm a gonna go hecky-shecky myself down to the Big House to see Mazza Joe"
But on second thought that can't be right, as I highly doubt Pilchesky would let one of the "bottom feeders" into the house...cut his grass, maybe, but inside the house, nahhhh.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
The latest from Sam. After a five week break, I bet old Sammy is more than primed for a great council show! I really hope he brings his "if you don't vote for Obama you are a racist" act to da podium. And as an extra bonus, all males in city hall are cross dressers. BRAVO SAM ON WITH THE SHOW!
I liked it better when people just admitted they wouldn't vote for the man because of his skin color (1st the School district will raised the Property Taxes of Home owners, followed closely by raises from the local, county, commonwealth and federal governments [not to mention thanks to DOH's simple and cowardly arse, increases by those we pay for services and other amenities ).
1. Taxes will be "RAISED" regardless of whom is elected.
2. Palin was chosen simply to garner the White Female vote (including those women currently seated within the Doh administration that where born male)
3. There's no such animal as a Demoncratic nor Repo-everything-I can party within Scranton or Lackawanna county (True Demoncrats or Repo-everything-I-cans "DON'T" cross file nor do they cross-vote, they do however from what I've personally seen since relocating to this area, "CROSS-DRESS")
wow ... he is one twisted little man .... how does he think this crap up???
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Let me just be the first one to say: If Sam Patilla runs for any public office, I will not vote for him because of the color of his skin and because you won't catch me trying to put lipstick on THAT pig. (no, I am not using an analogy, I am referring to Patilla as a pig.)
::: ... 2. Palin was chosen simply to garner the White Female vote ... ::: Excuse me, you racist slug of a man. You mean to tell me that the powers-that-be didn't throw Obama's name into the nominee hat because of the color of his skin and to whip everyone who isn't white into a political frenzy? Oh, it was all his experience in foreign policy and community organization.
Keep sporting those dreds and the golden jammies Samboy, maybe all the foreign policies you wrote in Newark and your community organizational skills will get you voted president, too.
If you don't vote for Obama you are a racist.Thanks Sam for the advice, you are a true champion of overcoming racism by contributing to a website that called a reporter a terrible racial word as well as wishing for lynchings to take place.
Sammy Boy's post here makes a lot of sense - not. He cut and pastes the bios of the girls from the VIEW and somehow in the last sentence throws inChris Doherty.
BTW, a welcome back to our favorite cut and paste QUeen - NotADumbBlonde appears to be back in action at JOey LanD after a five month sabatical. Glad to see the meds and resthelped her get over the loss of her dogs and Hiliary.
You can tell it's good if you light it and a blue flame comes up; that means it's good moonshine and it won't make you go blind.
Sammy has been engaged in something of a posting war with some jack-boot Nazi named 'nepaguy'...which is about the only way that you can get Sammy to make any sense, namely by putting him up against someone even nuttier.
You keep blasting a good job and Mazza Joe may let you wax the 'vette.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.