ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL The look on Miller's face was priceless Thursday when it was suggested to abolish the Council Romper Room which consists of 2 members. Better yet was when it was brought up again about this ignorant twit who consistently signs his name to speak above all others. He was advised months ago by Minora that he is to be treated as all others with no special treatment yet he cosistently signs in above all other speakers and Judas lets it go on. If this bug-eyed chia pet haircut kid wishes to speak then sign in like every one else and wait your turn. If he is so interested in politics then why keep running out of chambers to confer with mom, Uncle Bob and Uncle Lee. His bug eyes and snicker are just as aggravating as Sherry's.
RE: ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL HOW DARE HE sign his name above all others. He is a BLACK EYE to the other junior councilmembers. Bolus needs to teach him some manners; otherwise, Doug, please don't cry about how you are being treated. Grow a set.
__________________ You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.
Sam Patilla Posts: 4 Date: Fri Jun 8 8:41 AM, 2007 Views: 606
ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL Why punish "ALL" of the kids, when it's My understanding that the Miller kid wasn't even elected president of junior council by the other members (kids).
If I may, what we have is the re-creation of the dohertystien monster occurring before our very eyes (only the attending doctor is named bolus) , if one were to take off the rose colored glasses they'd see he is being groomed (or fitted for his puppet strings) to seek office in this city somewhere down the line and those grooming him have neither his best interest nor those of the citizens of Scranton's at heart.
If he really has a love for politics, lets instead show him what happens to politicians that go astray.
1. We could sanction him by banning him from attending council meetings for 3 months as a result of his calling Adults animals.
2. We could introduce a motion that he be replaced/removed as junior council president for his constant disrespect of his elders and those who actually are "TAX PAYERS and or Property Owners.
3. We can sanction him for scratching out the name (s) of those listed on the Sign-In Sheet above his by reducing his alloted time at the microphone to 2 minutes.
As of yet, Doherty hasn't been sanctioned for violating the Home Rule Charter, the Sunshine Act nor the Laws of This Country, so lets teach young Miller the "Correct and Proper" way a Government should and "WILL" be run.
ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL Or we coukd put him over our knee and give him a good spanking! He shouldn't be signing his name above any other name - that should be stopped. The kid is intelligent and well spoken, but he's getting bad advice about politics. I still think only property owners should vote and have a voice in how tax money is spent - that's what Thomas Jefferson believed, and that's good enough for me! I'm a Jeffersonian!
ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL Well I've seen Sam Patilla's house and he's constantly working in his yard as a matter of fact as I passed bye it today he was painting his railings on the 2nd floor.
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
RE: ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL I've moved this over from another thread, in case some missed it. I would hope that young Mr. Miller would take the time to read this as well.
I am not going to partake in the criticizing of young Mr. Miller, after all, he is still an adolescent. Who among any of us hasn't said and done dumb things as a teenager.
I will though, offer Mr. Miller some advice. First, young Doug, RESPECT...YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO GET IT, going on the record in the newspaper and calling Council speakers, taxpayers, and your elders "animals" is not a great way to earn respect, which leads me right into my next point, Mr. Miller, I know it's hard as a young adult not to get caught up in the moment when a newspaper reporter approaches you and wants to do a story, you say politics is your interest, so I'm assuming you might want to make a career out of that, if so, when doing that interview, or speaking at Council, choose your words carefully, again, by calling taxpayers{which is something you aren't yet, so there's really no way you can comprehend thier frustrations} "animals" you are shooting yourself in the foot before you even start, the one thing I have noticed in my 10 years in this area is that the people around here have long memories, I'm sorry to say, IMO, that "animals" quote is probably going to haunt you for a long time. Third, in this political arena, watch the people around you very closely, politics in this area, as I'm sure in many others is a "bloodsport". The same people who are trying to guide you, and pat you on the back today, very well could be the same ones stabbing you in that very same back tomorrow if it will benefit thier personal agenda's.
Lastly Mr. Miller, you seem like a bright young man, and I respect the fact that you are interested in something more than TV and video games. But with all due respect, you need to learn and know your role, your'e young and probably have a bright future ahead of you, you have a chance to turn things around. I'm a 38yr. old "Joe Average", Blue Collar" nobody, my time for greatness{if I ever had one!} has passed, so sitting back and venting my frustrations, and trying to do what I can, no matter how small, or trivial,to help exposethe corrupt, crooked, lying, thieves, is all I have left...you however are not even of voting age yet, the world is still your oyster, don't break the pearl before you even get started...Jimbu15.
__________________ "Here Comes The Revolution...Time For Retribution."
scrantonmama Posts: 1 Date: Sat Jun 9 1:30 AM, 2007 Views: 163
RE: ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL Daily Double wrote: I still think only property owners should vote and have a voice in how tax money is spent The problem with that is that owning property doesn't make anyone smart. It just makes them a property owner. How about intelligence tests at the polls?
RE: ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL scrantonmama wrote: Daily Double wrote: I still think only property owners should vote and have a voice in how tax money is spent The problem with that is that owning property doesn't make anyone smart. It just makes them a property owner. How about intelligence tests at the polls? Again I say, just because you rent does not leave theright that should be takenaway the right to vote. Many good people that just cannot afford a home are good citizens. They pay taxes through rent. If you have noticed the rents are out of sight. And will rise because of the Taxes being raised. Just because they rent is NO reason to take a right away. They count as much as people that own their homes. Just think about it,,,,, the way things are going, home owners may be out looking to rent. Or finding a place under a bridge. And we must Thank, DOHERTY, SHERRY. JUDY AND McGOOF FOR THAT LUXURY. WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO TELL YOU YOU ARE UNABLE TO VOTE. Please DON'T TRY TO DEVIDE THE CITIZENS AS DOHERTY HAS DONE. When our troops go over to fight for us, I don't think they are asked if they own or rent. THEY fight for our freedom. And we Thank them.
__________________ A government for all the people, not just "Those who matter."
Dingo8MyDoobee Posts: 31 Date: Sat Jun 9 10:56 AM, 2007 Views: 54
RE: ABOLISH JUNIOR COUNCIL Daily Double wrote: I still think only property owners should vote and have a voice in how tax money is spent - that's what Thomas Jefferson believed, and that's good enough for me! I'm a Jeffersonian! so, i guess you're alright with only men and whites being able to vote.okay - just so i know where you stand. can't have it both ways.
Glen I know you do not think of Doug Miller as a Child as he is 17 years old ... however if he were your son you would be appalled at the things that the DD bullies are writing about him and have written about him in the past!
Come on guys and gals ... I think it is all of you who need to grow up and stop picking on children ... what's next you gonna kick puppies?
Just wondering ........................... And a special Shame on you to the first poster John ... shame ... shame ... shame!
And I have to say hats off to Jimbu15 ... and I know you won't believe me ... for trying to offer a helping hand to young Mr. Miller ... If more posters took that approach DD would be a better place. Thank you for doing the right thing!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Just to be fair Glen has said he disapproves of those posts though he does not go as far as I, you andthe others go and say they are complete dirtballs for saying this stuff. I agree Jimbu15 also spoke in a respectful manner and asked the wolves over there to leave the child alone. However I wish he had out and out denouced it as a low-brow dirtball action.
Well now we are after all talking about Jimbu here ... this in my opinion ... was very big for him to do ... baby steps IHave ... baby steps!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Pilchesky vs. McDowell - Petition to toss from ballot and his answer Kenny is the most vulnerable link in the chain Pilchesky. You shook him up good by dragging his crony ass into court. Rinaldi was even more shook up, that's why he made sure he was representing him. He's a very heavy supporter as you well know. Kenny is nothing more or less than a window dressing, like a front. It's not what he does that makes his presence to valuable, it's what he doesn't do, which is something else you already know. He's a walking blank tape and responds to whatever they put on it. He'd never be able to handle a tough grilling under oath, but he's a sitting duck if you go after him for FAILURE TO HONOR HIS OATH OF OFFICE. There's that INFIDEL word in his oath. If ever an infidel walked this earth, it's Kenny. Don't you think NEVER SHOWING UP FOR WORK IS INFIDELITY? Taking a pay for doing nothing is INFIDELITY!!!!!!! You're the only man in this town who will nail his ass for it, and it should be nailed. Nail him. Put him back under oath under that claim and make him testify about how many hours he worked and how many hours he was too drunk to go to work, and how many times he golfed on the taxpayer's dime. Put the office workers under oath. They can't lie. I don't think they would lie. The Dems are sick over the thought of Kenny being tossed, but not as sick as all those who have been allowed to not pay a penny since he took office. You can take him down. I know it. He'll crack. He might even cry when he's doing it. Attack his ethics. Having children out of wedlock is as unethical as it comes. Check your PM on that subject. I've given you names and birthdates. The rest is up to you.
What is it that Kenny's child in or out of wedlock had to do with the performance or lack of performance on the tax collectors part ...
Also ... who is this KenDoll to judge Kenny's daughter???? I am just wondering ... you can't hurt him enough through your lawsuit ... you have to allow your posters to put up such vile disguting things about his daughter ... Nice Going Curley Joe ... the ultimate political stooge! This is one reason this place exists ... your treatment of the innocents and what you allow to be posted on a very public message board ... can you get any more unethical if you tried ... I don't personally think so ... God will judge you and your posters ... and I don't know if you will pass the enterance exam!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.