RE: Big Dobee Keeler You really should "STOP" smoking that stuff (and drinking that cheap malt liquor) before you sit in front of a keyboard (or rush to defend a crook or his cronies).
I can understand you standing up for your friend but in the same token the "Children of MOTHER Scranton" has a present need for someone to "STAND-up" for them. "NOT Now but RIGHT NOW".
Selling ones soul to get ahead only leads to a rather abrupt tumble back to earth, once those who have brought and paid for you, no longer "NEED" you.
Neither can Scranton wait for someone to grow into a postion/job/shoes or experience to bring forth the drastic finanical changes this city needs in order to climb/crawl out of the cess-pool of debt that DOHerty & his co-horts have thrown her into.
If butt kissing is your thing (or that of your friend) might I suggest the Scranton Times-Tribune (ask for Stacy Brown) and I'm quite sure the express course they offer in groveling 101, basic kneelin' & slurping and rump-toasting 101 will help you get a jump on the other 2-faced, me 1st azzzz-wipes seeking public office or pay to play employment.
There was a time in this country when a Man's word not only meant something but it was nestled firmly into the foundation of his soul.
You greedy self-centered S.O.B.s are the prime reason this country is headed down the tubes.
DOHerty knows his cowardly, "CROOKED & CORRUPT" azzzzz can't look to "City Council" as a means to borrow from peter to pay paul, then borrow from mary to pay peter, then borrow from louie to pay mary, so he's trying to slither through another door/department/board/bank in order to obtain the monies that he has mis-used/swindled from the Tax Payers of this City/County/State.
Speaking of which (the State) neither the State nor the Federal Government will send this municipality any monies as long as he's in office and as far as his aspirations of ascending to Harrisburg, that too can be filed under "RTS" (Return To Sender) because that's just what I punched on his ticket.
The closes he'll get to Harrisburg will be be the "FEDs" are transporting his azzz to da PEN!
So why don't you and the rest of the DOH faithful slobs and assorted creeps just pack-up and get along lil doggies because when the sun sets, we'll be looking to repo your homes, automobiles, jewelry, boats, banking accounts, fixed assets, properties and everything else "YOU SOMMMMMMMA-LYCHES" obtain with "OUR" Money.
Put that in your peace pipe and spread it around at the next "BORING" azzzz DOH crony gathering
Here's a thought, why don't you
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Ok ... now in here there is a hint of a crime commited by the Doherty Administration ... ok so it's not a hint ... it's an allegation! Had to save this one for future reference!
RE: Big Dobee Keeler "constructive debate", concerning a Government "FOR The PEOPLE" vs. one that's full of self-serving emblezzers and other assorted malfeasants.
I really get a kick out of those of You that try and place blame for this city's lowly financial state/status on the TAX PAYERS, as opposed to laying it squarely upon the shoulders of those responsible {DOH, his Puppet-master and his Administration}.
Not one of Scranton's non-policitcally connected TAX PAYING Citizens:
a). Refused to Pay the Police/Fire Department wages [but instead sought to get out of aforementioned payments by trying to break those unions and in doing so are directly respondsible for more unwarranted expense (s) to the City/TAX PAYERS via attorney fees, lost man-hours and the associated cost of those time-consuming & worthless appeals, etc., etc.
[and don't think for 1 second that those latest bones (riot-gear, cameras and that new shiney truck) are gonna get your worthless tail back in their (Police & Fire Depts) nor ours (TAX PAYERS).
b). NOT ONE non-affiliated TAX PAYER participated in the Fire-Sale of Scranton's Assets [nor the subsquent turn-around and office space leasing within some of those very same assets scam/kickback].
c). NOT ONE non-affiliated TAX PAYER participated in the "REFUSAL" of the DOH administrations' "REFUSAL" to PAY Scranton's VENDORS for services rendered [nor the law-suits by said VENDORS, filed for payment of their services that ensued]
d). NOT ONE non-affiliated TAX PAYER was a party to DOH and his administrations "FAILED" ploy to get both the Commonwealth of PA and the U.S. Federal Government to add Scranton to it's "WELFARE" Rolls and replaced the monies that He stole/misapporpiated for his personal use nor those used as payment in his pay to play political circle.
f). NOT ONE non-affiliated TAX PAYER is a party to DOH and his cronies failed Real-estate scheme {Scranton is broke, so what the heellllleeee does she need with lofts, downtown condos, gourmet coffee shops or a Multi-Million Dollar Transportation Hub? (especially when the Scraton/Wilkes-Barre Airport & the soon to be built W-B Transportation Center will serve both the Children of Scranton and the U of S)}
[W-B is also where the proable Medical School will wind-up being built]
g). NOT ONE non-affiliated TAX PAYER is or was a party to that blatant increase in both taxes and service fees by the DOH administration, SSA, SBA, Waste Management {whom by the way have been kicked out of more cities than both Commie-Cast and Ver-Rise-Your-Rates combined}, in an effort to cover the monies already squandered}.
[and why wasn't both Commie-Cast & Ver-Rise-Your-Rates forced to invest (creat "JOBS") in the City instead of just given free rein throught the city in order to try and force feed their useless product (s) on Scranton's Citizens?]
h). Speaking of the new toys purchased for the Police Department, why the need when Scranton is virtually "CRIME FREE".
and the list just goes on and on -
Put that stuff away - Go get some medical help at the local re-hab {and make sure they treat you for the rug-burn on your nose from sniffing DOH's tail}
Debate - you've got to be kidding ME
Stop coming to a GUN FIGHT with you and DOH's sex toys
Your Butts are going Straight to "JAIL"
Yeah you're on some good Shhhyyy............
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
This guy thinks he knows it all ... he thinks that a poster who is replying to his posts by the member name of White Horse is Amil Minora ... I find it amusing that he would think that Amil Minora would take the time to reply to his crap ... Shut the Hecky Shecky up Cyber!
RE: Big Dobee Keeler Put away your dictionary, roll-up your sleeves and allow cyber to school you in the here and now
[and by the way amil, stop acting like your sugar daddy [DOH] calling people names, ya drip]
1st). Didn't DOH inherit a surplus [yeah that's what I thought], so out the window with that crap you just laid regarding a financial deceit dating back to 1980.
If you desire businesses/citizens to invest in the city they 1st and foremost "MUST" be willing to contribute to the City, via their share of TAXES, the Creation of JOBs/Wages comparable with the economy or present market and reasonable Health Care for its' employees
[this means that the KOZs that your sugar daddy has been giving away to his friends, cronies and contributors will come to an abrupt end & "NOT SOON ENOUGH" , if you ask me]
Businesses survive via Supply and Demand, that's ole school ya drip and it simply means: offer something [a product or service] that the people want and you will succeed, don't and you & your business will fold
More importantly: An area has to be invitable for job creation & growth, something that can't and won't occur with your sugar daddy sitting on Washington St
[people/business aren't gonna invest their money, time nor experience in an area known for corruption]
2nd). Illregardless if there are legal documents on both sides or not, your sugar daddy is a dead-beat:
How the heckky-sheckky can you call your self a Mayor/Poticial Figure of the People and for the People, when you don't pay your dammn bills.
Show me a business that survived by "NOT" paying its' vendors/employees and I'll show you a frozen over Hades
In most states there are laws in place to prevent idiots like DOH from filing those wasteless appeals and benin law-suits.
Where has "ALL" the monies not spent paying vendors or giving the regular city workers [non-admin/non-DOH butt kisser] cost of living wage increases, there should be a surplus almost as large as the debt that "HE" [DOH and the rest of you clown arse Elitist] created.
Here again the most important factor being that time and time again you azzz-wipers have stated that the files/invoices/cancel checks/bill of ladens supporting this decit are available, yet everytime that someone requests any of that info, they are met with the same B/S line: {Let me check with my boss [news flash drip: As a "TAX PAYING CITIZEN", I am your "BOSS" [as I am in regards to anyother city employee (especially DOH's CROOKED & CORRUPT ARSE)]}
They can't present that info/those documents because they "DON'T EXIST"
Never have and Never will, such is life in PAY to PLAY Politics.
I entertain your clown arse because it really amuses me how someone can live out of a dictionary, yet can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time.
Book sense without "COMMON SENSE" equates to simple minded and worthless.
3rd). If you where a successful vendor in this city, chances are you'd have your head so far up DOHs' arse you couldn't tell if your business was in the Red or the Black because all of your records would be fraudulent, saddle with false info to hide the payments to DOH and his other cronies and the kickbacks tossed your way whenever he felt a need.
It's the Hard working and Honest vendors that have a problem.
4th). Take your head outta DOH's arse long enough and you'd be able to see that not only he but the other drips that he appointed as dept. heads also have tried to obtain both "STATE & FEDERAL" Funds to bail their crooked arses out.
Speculation my arse, put down that dictionary you feeble minded buffoon long enough and you'd realize what is standing right in front of you. Like your simple arse didn't know that SHA was being audited. Yeah right and by the way I have a Bridge to "NO WHERE" that I'd like to sell ya.
You clowns might have your own little community within Scranton and certain parts of the County/State but you don't have da "JUICE" where it counts,
simple minded children trying to play in the BiGG Boy/Girl world of High Finance.
One of the biggest problems you corn-balled so-called elitist have is your inability to speak to People as opposed to always trying to impress one with your diction/word usage/volcabulary or by talking down to your "SUPERIORS" [those not afraid of getting their hands dirty and are more than capable of standing on their "OWN 2 FEET".
Learn to Talk from the Heart and not from inside another persons rear-end and you just might make something outta yourself one of these days kid!!!!!!
5). Of course you're not sure that any real-estate schemes or for that matter transaction are in play and simply put: That's because you're "NOT" high enough on the slurping train to be privy to such info.
Yours is to slurp and fetch - not Invest and Swindle
6). El DOH turd for brains: The internet is a wonderful thing, might I suggest you do a little work for once in your life & use that machine to research that cess-pool of a company [Waste Your Money Non-Management].
Waste Your Money Non-Management has been fired from more municipalities than both Commie-Cast and Ver-Raise-Your-Rates Combined.
I lived in 2 of those municipalites, so I know of which I speak
and before you even ask, NOT only "NO" but "HELLLLLLE NO", research it your dammmn self. I'm not your parent do your own dammn research/home-work.
7). I don't watch TV, I have computers, you dolt, therefore I have access to the "WORLD" not just a bunch of monthly re-runs.
I've stated this once and I'll state it again:
The "AVERAGE" Computer owner doesn't have a need for High Speed Internet, they just need the internet connection. They don't download/upload enough data/info to or from the net to warrant the cost charge by COMMIE-CAST or VER-RAISE-YOUR RATES.
Those services are for "POWER" Users - "NOT" you everyday "POINT and CLICKERS" - If I take away your microsoft windows [98, 2000, ME, 2003, XP and/or Vista] you'd be just as lost as a new-born infant searching in the dark for a tittttttttt in order to feed his/herself when it came to intermingling with a machine/computer.
15 dollars vs 50 dollars, ya dammmn skippy - send their arses back to winch they came. You people are so caught up in trying to keep up with the Joneses and with living out of your means that the true "JEWEL" of Life is passing you by daily {and that being the "EXPERIENCE" of Living LIFE not just exsiting}
[I can tweek a lowly-dial-up connect to provide me with the internet speed I need - thank you very much but unlike you, I have no need for Instant Messengers or Opening Spam mail in one of My many e-mail accounts because I don't have any friends in the Real World in which to converse, neither do I have a need to download music/videos {I have tapes from the 50's - 90's that I still enjoy viewing}
and "NO" I don't use Ver-Raise-Your-Rates either, in fact those clowns aren't allowed access into My DOMAIN/CASTLE [be it under the guise of Ver-Raise-Your-Rates or Direct-TV].
It's funny how you drips quickly try to change the subject when it comes to one or more of those cess-pool of a businesses'/companys' is/are use in the same sentence/context as "JOB" Creation.
GRASP at this [lol] Can you see it. Where is the competition in the Cable industry, the phone industry in this area. DOH gave those bastids sweetheart deals and just as soon as his arse is outta office, they'll either have to lower their rates or get the "HNELLLLLLL" outta Town as well.
Make this the last time you mention machines {computers} to me, you dammmn "POINT & CLICKER"
Because anyone who thinks that forcing a business [especially a multi-billion dollar business] to create "JOBs" for its' citizens is out of line or unwarranted is to far gone for even me to save, especially considering the way said companies/businesses are handed KOZs or other Taxed "REDUCED" incentitives on the backs of the TAX PAYERS themselves.
Lastly why cut say posistions in the Police dept. in order to save money, then use the alledged savings on the creation of un-needed and unneccessary Office/Admin Staff positions [a smaller worker force means less wear and tear on the present Admin not more & thus there isn't a need for more Indian Chiefs because the work load of those already on board has been "REDUCED" enabling said Adim the opportunity to get caught up in the day-to-day business].
and Who's gonna monitor those cameras - surely "NOT" your "POINT & CLICK" arse or anyother non-qualified dictionary toting. DOH slurping moron [I guess you dolts intend on hiring more LAWYERS & Consultants to do a study on how much it will cost to High a U of S undergrad currently being eschooled in the IT Field/Computer Programming or watching a Monitor without falling alseep 101?
Newflash Trixie, the machine can be set-up to not only monitor the cameras' itself but to also run weekly/monthly dianostics on itself
DOH made that stuff available because he's running scared [as well as both he and Camp CORRUPTION" should be].
Any Police/Fireman and or Police/Firewoman that falls for that lame-brain election year tatic needs to be "FIRED" on the Spot.
Like I stated before: "SCRATON is supposed to be "CRIME FREE" or relatively so so there really isn't a need for those bones.
You clowns are afraid that:
1). You're gonna be "FORCED" to place "PEOPLE of COLOR" into the Political Arena at "EVERY" junction
2). The "TAX PAYING" Citizens are GONNA take back "MOTHER SCRANTON"
3). You're going to "JAIL" [of the FEDERAL persuasion]
4). We're [TAX PAYING CITIZENS] GONNA REPO everything you "OWN" to re-coup what You "STOLE" from US
5). "FREE-SPEECH will rear-up and Separate your head from DOH's arse and DOH's arse from the Streets as a "FREE" Man.
Silly rabbitt, Tricks are for KIDS.
The FREE Ride is over - GET TA STEPPIN"
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Most of what you have provided is merely an overwhelming need for afirmation. None of what you have said is relevant, accurate or intelligent. Further, you've made more personal attacks on me, which you have not substantiated with anything but name calling.
The bottom line of my conversation is that the debate is open for anyone who wants to talk political philosophies and strategy for a better Scranton. Most of the people responding tend to regurgitate the same venom that you spout at City Council meetings. Obviously you feel strongly, even bitter about the points you attempt to convey. It seems to be communicating them where you are deficient.
What number one actionable item would you suggest to make Scranton a better city NOW?
How do you justify the action you suggest? (ie. Do you have a case-study of another city in a similar circumstance making strides? Are there quantitative analyses which point to the likelihood of success?)
I'm asking you for change and all your giving me is gripe. Try not to focus on who I am, or who you think I am, and concentrate on what I'm saying. Further, research your facts before you present them as such. Please don't return to me with any diatribe like what you left above. It's really quite primitive in terms of its construction and content.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Where are the $25 words that plastered your previous posts/replies
Say what you will trixie
but everything stated has happened
and in the case of you clowns - having to submit a change of address in the coming months to include the words "FEDERAL PRISON/PENITENARY" and the Words "BY ORDER OF THE COURTS" [In regards to the personal property you acquired with "TAX PAYER" monies being "RETURNED" to the "TAX PAYERS" either in cash form or the proceeds from a Sheriff's SALE] will occur.
So if anyone hit the proverbial nerve trixie it was "I".
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
The 1st thing (Other than DOH immediate removal from office) would be the IMMEDIATE removal of the Pay to Play Dept. Heads and the positions that He created for them.
2nd the "FIRING" of 95% of the Attorneys/Lawyers now on STAFF (either directly or as consultants).
3rd the "WITH-DRAWL" of "ALL" PENDING LITIGATION" In Regards to "BOTH" the POLICE & FIRE Unions.
A COMPLETE AUDIT [focusing on "RECONCILIATION of ALL Payments made and to whom] of the SSA, SHA, SSB and every other dept. under Scranton's jurisdiction by the CITY 's Legal Department & City Council [A City Council void of Gatelli, Knellin' & McGoof of course]
The "RETURN" of "ALL" City OWNED Property obtain via underhanded methods by sources connected to DOH to the City POST HASTE
The "IMMEDIATE" Rescinding of ALL but legitimate KOZs and the "TAXING" of "ALL" Businesses and FOR PROFIT Organizations, followed by the re-couping of funds from both NON and NOT for Profit Organizations
A "DEMAND" for IMMEDIATE" Payment of "ALL" Monies due on those bogus azzzzz LOANS DOH has floated to places like the RAGGETY-AZZZZZ and that Coffee shop.
A DEMAND that the U of S invest an agreed upon amount of her revenues to the "CITY" each and "EVERY" year the school is located within Scranton Boundaries {conduts business within Scranton's Boundaries.
The immediate rollback of both TAXES and FEES by both the City and it agencies, along with those of COMMIE-Cast/Ver-Raise-Your-Rates and any other business doing busy here [and demanding that they create JOBs or get the Hecckky-Shecckky out of the CITY
The Immediate "NULL and VOIDING" of the contract between Scranton & Waste Your Money Non-Management as well as the severing of "ALL" ties of businesses given "NO-BID" City Contracts
Is that enough Trixie:
Are you sure your feeble Brain can handle and "OPEN & HONEST" Government, especially seeing has how you've mis-placed your dictionary
This isn't "ROCKET SCIENCE":
CUT SPENDING REDUCE GOVERNMENT [especially the unqualified fat at the top] Ensure that Businesses "PAY" their "SHARE" TAX any and every employer/landlord of and/or to Illegals Rid the City of SLUM-lords Rid the City of "PAY to PLAY Politics Ensure that any business wanting to do business within the City creates "JOBs" in return for the privilege
Enter Talks with another Media source about relocating or opening an office in SCRANTON to not only "REPORT" the TRUTH but to help re-build "MOTHER SCRANTON's" Image [along with creating jobs]
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Look out Mr. Patilla ... you are letting your true color shine through ... if ignorance were a color I think it would be you! You obviously have no respect for other people ... especially women ... you are vile and evil ... I hope nobody ever talks about your Mother, Wife ... or daughter that way (if you have any of the previous mentioned women in your life) ... be careful how you talk to women ... because if you disrespect them ... then your children will follow in your footsteps ... your daughter(s) will expect to be treated like dirt and be accepting of poor behavior by the men in her life ... you will be her example ... so be careful sir ... I beg of you ... there are enough weak women in the world ... don't create more!
what happen? You asked for recommendations to get MOTHER Scranton back on her feet and as soon as mention is made about firing ya'll arses and abolishing those non-warranted, unqualified and undeserved positions you DOH grovelers now hold, you go "ALL" quite and start avoiding me
Much like your puppet master did when Ms. Evans offered her not 1 but 2 budget proposals.
Get use to it Trixie the free rides are "OVA"
You should have studied How to Survive on My own to Feet Like any Honest Hard Working Adult rather than rear-end sniffer ESQ while in school
Everytime one of you clowns opens your mouth besides sticking your foot into it, the thought that this would be a "GREAT" place for a "STICK-UP" comes to mind
Except for kneelin' - everytime that dolt opens her mouth it smells like someone forgot to close the barn door at the dairy farm or was that that HoGG Farm
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I am assuming the Kneelin is Sherry Fanucci ... what a disguting individual you are Mr. Patilla ... I feel sorry for you!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Look out Mr. Patilla ... you are letting your true color shine through ... if ignorance were a color I think it would be blue! That is why you choose to type in the color blue so often!
You obviously have no respect for other people ... especially women ... you are vile and evil ... I hope nobody ever talks about your Mother, Wife ... or daughter that way (if you have any of the previous mentioned women in your life) ... be careful how you talk to women ... because if you disrespect them ... then your children will follow in your footsteps ... your daughter(s) will expect to be treated like dirt and be accepting of poor behavior by the men in her life ... you will be her example ... so be careful sir ... I beg of you ... there are enough weak women in the world ... don't create more!
what happen? You asked for recommendations to get MOTHER Scranton back on her feet and as soon as mention is made about firing ya'll arses and abolishing those non-warranted, unqualified and undeserved positions you DOH grovelers now hold, you go "ALL" quite and start avoiding me
Much like your puppet master did when Ms. Evans offered her not 1 but 2 budget proposals.
Get use to it Trixie the free rides are "OVA"
You should have studied How to Survive on My own to Feet Like any Honest Hard Working Adult rather than rear-end sniffer ESQ while in school
Everytime one of you clowns opens your mouth besides sticking your foot into it, the thought that this would be a "GREAT" place for a "STICK-UP" comes to mind
Except for kneelin' - everytime that dolt opens her mouth it smells like someone forgot to close the barn door at the dairy farm or was that that HoGG Farm
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I am assuming the Kneelin youwrite about is Sherry Fanucci ... what a disguting individual you are Mr. Patilla ... I feel sorry for you!
-- Edited by LusOnlyVoice at 20:39, 2007-05-07
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
We're dealing in facts here Trixie - JUST the FACTS and one being that as a "CHILD" you still have a lot of growing and maturing left to do.
As I stated earlier put down the dictionary and roll up your sleeves, Congrats on paying your way through school - now lets put that on-line degree to some good use.
Legally you couldn't work in this country at the age of 12 (unless you live during the "GREAT DEPRESSION & YOU "DIDN'T") but because you showed the gumption to go out and make something of your life at such an early age I'll let that slide.
Your BIGGEST Short-fall you "MORON" is that somewhere along your travels you got the impression that the material things you've acquired over the years really mean anything to those with Internal Fortitude [FYI They & YOU don't].
Sure they are nice to have and make life a little bit more enjoyable but you can't take that trash with you, nor can it/they replace Human contact, i.e., FAMILY & FRIENDS.
cyber is gonna try and make up for your having to come from a broken home (and if you started working at 12 then that's just where you're derived).
Life is more than bobbles & toys be they monetary, fixed (such as Buildings) or in your case an self-imposed ELITIST Attitude - Just ask any HONEST, HARD WORKING, TAX PAYING Person You come across.
You metro-sexual, politically in-correct, afraid to Serve in the Armed Forces tulips have this country on the brink of total destruction from implosion.
You taunt how much you have, what you posses and how learned you are but you just like your Puppet Master who also happens to be your Personal Human Throat Plunger lack both MORALS and COMMON DECENCY along with COMMON SENSE.
Dim-WIT, You don't cure over-spending by spending more
You don't balance and over-drawn checkbook by obtaining more loans/credit (you do nothing but shift the burden of payment from one hand to the other if that the course you choose instead of "ZEROING" that negative Balance)
I understand this is out of your mental grasp because you'd rather spend your time trying to out talk everyone else instead of shutting your dammn mouth and opening your ears & mind to the "TRUTH" & that which is just plain "RIGHT".
Outside of putting their feet in your rear-end and their hands up side your head, every time you strayed from a lesson that they were trying to teach you, your parents should have "BUST" you right square in your mouth every time you tried to appear Superior to another.
See that's the main problem that I have with you self-proclaimed elitist clowns, each and everyone of your ancestors came from a poor back-ground and from a country that was ruled by a tyrant
Yet you bring your worthless arse to the "U" "S" of "A" and now all of a sudden your a Duke, a Knight, A Queen, A KING instead of that which you truly are: The Off-spring of common everyday folk that fled HIGH Taxes - Who shied away from "GOVERNMENT" Without PEER Representation or worse one who fled certain death at the hands of one of your own race (Until recently both the Irish and every damn country in the Middle-East have being "KILLING" one another since the beginning of TIME)
NO matter how hard you try "YOU" and every clown like you can and will "NOT" continue to take from others just because in your mis-guided mind you're superior. You're not NATIVE to this LAND so therefore stop with the High & Mighty B/S.
You've stole from every honest citizen not only in Scranton and the Commonwealth but from the Citizens of the entire Country for long enough - pack up your shhhhhhh and "HIT da BRICKS" and don't Let the DOOR Hit You where the Good "LORD" Split YOU
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Ok so I'm guessing Cyber doesn't know much about anything ... ok so I already knew that ... Cyber dear kids could have paper routes at age 12 ... I don't know what is up with you ... or how old you are ... but I had a paper route when I was 12-16 ... it was perfectly legal ... it was for the Sunday paper ... Scrantonian Tribune ... oh those were the days ...
RE: Big Dobee Keeler Like I stated: If you aren't a "NATIVE AMERICAN", you're just a friggin' "GUEST"
This wasn't your ancestors land and it isn't yours, so cease with the claiming of that which isn't yours
live a little longer you little twerp and you might just come to that realization.
and I don't cvare if you were shinning-shoes or reconcilling the checking/saving/card card accounts of Walt disney himself - "LEGALLY" you can not work at that age in this country [then or now]
You're really turning into nothing more than a DOH blow-him-harder, you knuckle dragging buffoon.
It's not about you - It's about placing seats in this ADMINISTRATION that are FROM the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE and once again you have proven that your kind isn't worth the paper nor ink that either your name or political stance appears [ballots or election polls].
I've checked your pedigree and it's the same as DOH: FULLA-Shhhyyyt-Kneelin' Wanna-Be.
Newsflash: Pay to PLAY Politics are getting the "BOOT" STATE-Wide, guess you better pull that bike of yours outta moth-balls and familiarize yourself with your old paper-route, you nit-wit
That way you can explain to the elders along your route how you and DOH were taken apart by a bunch of "BABY BOOMERS"
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I think our good friend Cyberlion/Mr. Patilla is the king of name calling at DD ... and he's got some real pissers for this White Horse fella ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
DOH knows his days of using the City Council to fleece the Tax Payers is drawing to a rapid close
So he'll need another outlet (i.e., the Scranton Sewer Authority, the Scranton Housing Authority or the Scranton School Board for example), that's why it's so "IMPORTANT" "NOT" to vote another DOHbie crony/politico hack into a position such as the school board that has access to TAX PAYER MONIES.
We don't need Garvey, Keeler, Popil, Judas, kneelin' or anyone else that DOH is supporting (if they're man or woman enough to admit that he is or not) or has a long time connection with or to, allowing that creep to fleece us any longer.
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Big Dobee Keeler Sorry it took so long to respond sue
I can't make that call for you, that's a decision you'll have to make yourself because in the end you'll be the one that has to live with your choices
There's "HONEST" information on most of these candidates on most of the threads posted on dd [just by purusing the 1st two pages one can reap 6 years worth of knowledge]
I will however suggest that you give a long and hard look at voting for those that are TAX PAYER 1st, 2nd, 3rd and those that are Truly Qualified and have some level of experience in dealing with people and or the position that they are seeking (just because a parent/person has 4 children doesn't make that person a viable School Board Member [are they current with what's going on within the schools, the board, do they attend meetings relating to school topics are a few examples of what's needed in anyone serving on that board]).
Any person that can't see any fault in how this administration has run the City, it's Tax Payer base, Public Servants, Public Property, Senior Citizens and Children into the ground or into their/his/her own cash cow in terms of the SS Complex or the Ice Box, definitely does not have a place in anything having to do with how the City of Scranton is run, how our children are taught/schooled or how the City is picked up, dusted off and lead back into prominence.
Nor do they have the right to called themselves/himself/herself a PUBLIC OFFICIAL
It's really not that difficult to pick out those that really want to make a difference from those that only seek to use say the Scranton School Board as a stepping stone to a "PAID" politico office and or those that are more than willing to rubber-stamp any and everything that doh puts before them.
Also keep in mind that doh knows he's losing the City Council and he'll need another Authority/Council/Department in which to continue his fleecing of "TAX PAYER" monies
the republicans screwed over the Tax Payers 2 - 4 years ago and they paid for it, before that the democrats screwed over the Tax Payers and when election time came around they paid for that
[Many of those same crooks are either up for re-election or seeking to make a come-back..........................ta heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll with voting for someone because a person happens to be of a certain party (they think that Tax Payers as a whole either have a short memory span or are straight out stupid and I regress that either is the case), Vote for the Most "HONEST", Tax Payer Friendly and qualified person available and you can't go wrong.
Place enough "HONEST" people in office and one won't have to worry about patronage, nepotism, pay-to-play politics nor any of that other crap that those "CROOKED S oh Bees" make their living off of nor any of them backing dooring us
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Big Dobee Keeler See Sue that's where you're wrong
It's more about "FREE SPEECH" and an "HONEST and OPEN GOV" if anything
take off the blinders My Friend
Not "EVERY" article is totally & completely about DOH, He couldn't have done what he has to this city by his lonesome, he had help and it's time for them "ALL to "GO"
That's why I suggested YOU peruse at least the 1st two pages of the site
There is a wealth of information about the Governmental Mis-doings of both Scranton & Lackawanna County but one has to set aside personal feelings and allow that which "IS" to come through.
and like I stated above DOH had help in tearing this City down and they "ALL" must be held accountable and given their walking papers and or a FEDERAL Prison Number and those new to Club CORRUPT must not be allow "IN".
__________________ From the People I came for the PEOPLE I Remain
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I will keep watching this thread and posting Mr. Patillas material here because I do believe that it may one day be very valuable to have these postings as he makes statements that he cannot back up wih proof throughout his posts ... it will be quite interesting to see how far these people are allowed to go before someone sues them.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.