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DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Before this one gets the magical "politically speaking" words tacked onto it...

Joe Pilchesky


Posts: 3978
Date: Dec 30 10:03 PM, 2008

First above all, it was Judge "Sold to the highest bidder" O'Brien, retired old prune, Senior Judge. That Geritol crony judge is a disgrace to the black robe.He did his job of having the issue tossed into the appellate system where it'll collect dust waiting for itsturn for argument later this year or early the next. The only thing I liked about him were his scuffed up, dirty sneakers sticking out from underhis robe. Turned out everything about him was dirty.

However, that doesn't mean Gatelli'sissues can't be heard and argued in that OTHER popular court, the court of public opinion. Me and Jude have a date. Better said, we have several.

Pump those pills in Jude, Daddy's comin' home. I know, I know, it's in litigation and you can't talk about it. That's fine. You can just listen. WITH THE REST OF THE CITY.

Dear ECTV, you're welcome in advance for raising your ratings through the roof pre-election. The people love to watch Hitler, blowjob queen Councilwoman Judy Gatelli............................suffer, politically speaking, of course.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.


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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

When will Joe realized that name-calling undermines his position?



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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

probably never since he never figured out that hitting ppl over the head with tire irons, nor having your wife make hay with her dead father's cash isn't great for your reputation either. lol


Hey Joey?? Bite me! :))

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

rare form wrote:

When will Joe realized that name-calling undermines his position?

Right after Edith returns the bilked estate money.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

rare form wrote:

When will Joe realized that name-calling undermines his position?

And what position would that be ... Joe does not give a rats ass about his "position" or this city ... the only reason he does what he does if for the attention ... it's in his narsassitic nature ... he needs to be adored by his minions ... and that's all there is to what he does ... he has a sick need to be worshiped.

If he really cared about this city and it's financial state ... he would not be dragging them to court every other day wasting god knows how many taxpayer dollars on frivilous lawsuits.


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.


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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

rare form wrote:
"When will Joe realized that name-calling undermines his position?"
His position ... what position? It's no skin off his nose when he's bumpin' the top of Edith's noggin off the headboard and she's name-calling him "Sir".

(ain't THAT an image for you to start the new year??)


Stupid people piss me off !

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

The lastest from Herr Blowhard...I think he is feeling needy in the attention department.

Feel free to re-post in the main forum...I just wanted to capture it before it gets "edited for clarity".

Joe Pilchesky

Posts: 4082
Date: Jan 25 4:29 PM, 2009
Warning to the Times Tribune: Cordaro/Shimkus were canaries in the coal mine

Question: Should the local media retreat from endorsing and protecting more corrupt thieves?

How can one stop the endorsement and protection of more corrupt thieves? I don't believe there is an eloquent or sophisticated way to get the local media to retreat on a political battlefield that it has dominated for decades, particularly when it is still abundant in field generals, foot soldiers, spies, artillary (money) and attendant ammunition (print) stacked beyond the horizon, all of which would seem to perpetually guarantee status quo success . It would be ludicrous, or likely even impossible, for our local media to imagine that such a public retreat should even be considered, or in the alternative, necessary, merely at the suggestion of a political virgin/antagonist like myself. Conclusion: asking is a waste of time.

So, why would a discussion relating to retreating be presented?

Well, I'll tell you why. It may be wise to back off or abandon supporting the mayor for re-election. Political life in Scranton/Lackawanna County has come to an intersection for the corrupt politicians and the media that controls their election to office, as well as the citizenry footing the lavish lifestyles of each.

It's the intersection of accountability and consequences.

In summary, I think it's safe to say we've all had our fill of being manipulated, lied to, deceived and hoodwinked by our local media, all of which has long been the sole source of the rampant corruption we have suffered for far too long. It can no longer be tolerated. The likes of Ken McDowell and Chris Doherty are only two of the horrendous public servants repeatedly endorsed and protected by the Times-Tribune, the former having had a known record of public debauchery and absenteeism at the Tax Office that was kept quiet, and the latter likely the worst mayor we've ever had for reasons too numerous to mention, but I'll throw in our record debt as exhibit "A".

My warning: (although some may view it as a threat, and a threat it may be, but purely political in nature)

Should Mayor Chris Doherty run for a third term, and Gatelli and/or Fanucci join him, I will personally make the Lynetts and Haggertys political targets like no newspaper family has ever been made a political target anywhere in this country. By association and/or silence/spin/twists and/or absence of the truth in journalism, they can easily be held responsible for that which ails us the most - the presence of Doherty, Gatelli and Fanucci.

Bob Cordaro and Frank Shimkus should stand as canaries in the political coal mine in this regard. The mood and circumstances are perfect, as if scripted. The media/corrupt politicians in bed together theme is not a hard sell around here. Not at all. It just needs to be put out there.

The handwriting is on the wall, and it will be everywhere else electronically and otherwise. I'll open the floodgates to those who have been adamant that I should accept funds to fight corruption at a more public level. I've rejected some rather substantial amounts of money for the sake of staying independent and autonomous. I'll sacrifice that one time in this upcoming election to get printed and published how the media is truely the cancer we have suffered from. I've dabbled with this before having published advertisements and articles of this theme.

I'm not the ambush type, but I will be this time. If Doherty runs, besides absolutely annihiliating him on his record like no other mayor has suffered politically, the Lynetts and Haggertys will be held politically accountable for journalistic deeds of past and present to our harm. They can sue me if they don't like it, but somehow I doubt I'll see such a suit. I haven't seen one yet.

To that end, I can only suggest that Mr. Burton's articles adopt a more honorable premise and format when relating facts and information to the public.

To Doherty, Gatelli and Fanucci; You know where the exit to the political coal mine is, I suggest that you use it. The Free Speech Express is the light at the end of the tunnel. Yours truly is the engineer.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.


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Posts by Joe Pilchesky

wow do you think the Lynetts are askeered?? LOL Stacy are you askeered?
LOL This guy is actually even more of a jerk than I gave him credit for... seriously... lol cartoon characters have more credibility than this joker lol lol

-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 17:15, 2009-01-25


Hey Joey?? Bite me! :))

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Gee, do you think Chris Doherty is shaking in his boots yet?

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Chris Doherty does not give a crap what this guy says ... I would put money on it that he is sometimes amused by the things Joe says ... it's just so rediculous ...


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.


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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Gotcha!! You forget we know about the alter egos you idiot.

If anyone out there knows Sherri let her know we will keep this nice and safe for her.  I hope she sues him soon.  At the rate he is going there won't be much money left to get in an court award after the IRS and the "Issues" in Erie.   She may want to stake her claim to the cash fast as possible.

saw what you did


Posts: 48
Date: Feb 27 7:59 PM, 2009
RE: Fanucci, Jeremy Burton and Times sued for Libel - Docket # 09-CV-1408

Most of us are aware that Fanucci has dated around, even as a councilwoman.  The rumors of her life as a bed jumper surfaced often at City Hall and other places, so it's not a stretch that she's had an abortion.  Then again, lots of women have had abortions.

Let's get to the point.  This was an assassination attempt on the Pilcheskys. Another one. It's old news already because with the filing of the lawsuit the controversy and all the bickering is in the legal system.  That's where it stays for the next ten years I suppose.  Most of us have computers with trash bins where we can toss unwanted stuff.  Mr. Pilchesky simply uses the court system to do the same thing. 

The whole controversy is effectively dead in the water with one swift legal action. 

Game, set and match Mr. Pilchesky.    


Hey Joey?? Bite me! :))

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Joe slanders lawyers...

Joe Pilchesky


Posts: 4451
Date: Mar 21 8:23 PM, 2009

36C wrote:
Joe, can you possibly publish the names of legal firms who are connect to the government so we can all know who NOT to go to?  I think that would be a huge public service.  Thank you so much for what you do and God Bless you for taking the heat that you take to keep on doing your community work.

I can share with you the following lawyers that I know to be crony to the bone. 

Tim Hinton, Esq. - lawyer for the Times-Tribune and the U of S;
Carl Greco, Esq. - Solicitor for the SRA;
Tom Helbig, Esq. - Has his own practice;
George Reihner, Esq. - Represented Cordaro and represents Gatelli;
Jimmy Tierney, Esq. - Represented Shimkus and other city issues;
Molly Clark, Esq. - George Reihner's Gal Friday;
Larry Moran, Esq. - Represented Jarbola in stopping the effort to have McDowell taken out of office;
Dave Rinaldi, Esq. - Represented McDowell and was the solicitor for the tax office when it was being run into the ground, now the solicitor for the controller's office;
Gene Hickey, Esq. - the city solicitor who advised that public parks can be sold, and involved in a slew of other deals that screwed all of us, also worked to help Shimkus survive ballot challenge and his wife worked in Shimkus' office on Main Ave.; Hickey also tried to intervene in the ECTV case, but unsuccessfully.; (still pulls 40K a year as Asst. City Solicitor.)
Brian Yeager, Esq. - solicitor for Covington, just a walking piece of sh!t.
Lenehan and Dempsey law firm - represented John Darcy in the ECTV appeal;
Amil Minora, Esq. - council solicitor, probably the worst we've ever had, so crony it hurts.
Paul Kelly, Esq. - Asst. City Solicitor, seldom seen in the building at $34,000.00 a year.
Joe Brazil, Esq. - Lawyer and friend of Judy Gatelli - enough said;
Dan Penetar, Esq. - solicitor for zoning board, just sits there watching applicants getting screwed over and says nothing, or watches crony applicants lie through teeth like Darcy did for ECTV and did nothing;
Drew Hailstone and his son, Drew Jr. - spearheaded shutting this site down back in 2005;
Atty. Goldberg - fights for the city in arbitrations - lots of money to lose almost every decision.
Joe O'Brien, Esq. - solicitor for North pocono, just a snake in the grass;

To name a few, I'll add to the list, or others can join in.  Hope this helps.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Joe Brazil isn't even a lawyer .... Duh .... Joe really needs to get those names right ... why the hell do the DD sheep think that this guy is so smart when he can't even get the G-D names right?


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

I wonder how some of these lawyers (the real ones, not the ones that Joe has apparently made up) would feel about being slandered in a public venue by Edith's partner-n-crime?  Hmmmmmm.....

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

I think what he has done is this ... any lawyer (or ones he has made up such as Joe Brazil) who have ever done business with any municipality ... well he add them to a list of cronies ... he is such an A$$ ...


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.


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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

joe !  can you sue me? whats with the sueing crap what happened to the good old days when men had a difference they went out side and had it out.How many law suits is this now and how many tax dollars do we have to waste?



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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

What position? is face down in his own crap a position? i cant believe this guy is for real!



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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Can you say psycho? or sicko? Who has that much time on there hands?And is he the one in the grassy knole?



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Posts by Joe Pilchesky

This another of those WOW moments.   I have nothing more to say then WOW

Joe Pilchesky


Posts: 4884
Date: May 23 11:05 PM, 2009

Tom Yerke has once again gone on the attack against women. He's viciously verbally attacked certain women involved in politics or who have been critical of the corruption and thefts. The cowardly lowlife won't go face to face with certain men, but he loves attacking defenseless women. Yerke needs some special attention, and I am personally going to see that he gets it. With the Scranton election wrapped up, I have free time.

For that reason, I am sanctioning the open attack upon any and all women in the life of Tom Yerke from his mother to any other adult female, with partiular emphasis on his own wife and two daughters. I understand he was screwing the painter, and there's strong rumor that Secretary Kate Tierney blows him from time to time to keep those 4-day weekends coming, no pun intended.  

I am of the understanding that at least one of his daughers lives at home on welfare having a child with no father in sight, who spends her day on a cell phone paid for by Covington speaking with a Covington employee on yet another Covington cell phone.

Have at it.  Keep it truthful.  Your well worded opinions are welcomed.

edited to add more posts keep adding fuel to the fire

Posts: 59
Date: May 23 11:25 PM, 2009
RE: Payback: It's OPEN SEASON on all of the women in Tom Yerke's life. What goes around comes around.

Oh Boy! What's Tom done now?



Posts: 68
Date: May 23 11:58 PM, 2009

Tom Yerke's daughters are Jessica Yerke and Amanda Yerke.



Posts: 68
Date: May 24 8:25 AM, 2009

Joe Pilchesky wrote:
There's strong rumor that Secretary Kate Tierney blows him from time to time to keep those 4-day weekends coming

Below is Kate Tierney


Joe Pilchesky


Status: Online
Posts: 4888
Date: May 24 10:35 AM, 2009

CovingtonChief6400 wrote:

Tom Yerke's daughters are Jessica Yerke and Amanda Yerke.

Which one of them worked at McDonalds when hundreds of give-a-ways just disappeared?

Which of them is on welfare, if either, perfectly capable of working, but living at home with no expenses, yet also collecting off the taxpayers?  It's my information that one of them shops till she drops with a card issued by the Department of Welfare.


Joe Pilchesky


Status: Online
Posts: 4888
Date: May 24 10:40 AM, 2009

Everyone wants to know how Kate Tierney came up with the money to build the home she's living in. 

And, who is paying those cell bills when she calls all over the country all night long to family and friends? Why, it's the Board of Supervisors, that's who. No problem, Kate's cell phone bill is out of sight, just like Tom's and everyone else's who has that freebe courtesy of Tom Yerke.     

Posts: 192
Date: May 24 11:00 AM, 2009

Everybody knows that Yerke really isn't any kind of man. He has a history of being a bully, especially whenthere are lots of people around that would be witnesses for him, no doubt. He is better bullying women, children, and handicapped people for sure. But, I have to state my opinion here, this thread has gone way over the line. His family has nothing to do with his actions and the insinuations against Ms. Tierney are disgraceful. Just my opinion.



Posts: 532
Date: May 24 11:12 AM, 2009


His family has nothing to do with his actions

If his family is using township paid cell phones they most certainly do


and the insinuations against Ms. Tierney are disgraceful. Just my opinion.

Sometimes the truth can hurt virgin ears/eyes like yours smoke screen





Posts: 68
Date: May 24 11:19 AM, 2009

Joe Pilchesky wrote:
Which one of them worked at McDonalds when hundreds of give-a-ways just disappeared?

I think that would be Jessica, she is the same one who was involved in a underage drinking fatal car accident about 7 years ago.




Posts: 532
Date: May 24 11:25 AM, 2009

This Jessica Yerke




Posts: 532
Date: May 24 11:27 AM, 2009

And here is Amanda Yerke


Status: Online
Posts: 28
Date: May 24 12:56 PM, 2009

PresidentMcGoof wrote:



His family has nothing to do with his actions

If his family is using township paid cell phones they most certainly do


and the insinuations against Ms. Tierney are disgraceful. Just my opinion.

Sometimes the truth can hurt virgin ears/eyes like yours smoke screen


McGoof, are you really that narrow minded to actually believe Covington Twp would pay for cell phones for Yerke's family?? Your screen name is definitely appropriate based on your comments and comments that you have made on other topics!!!

Smoke, for once we can agree on something!! Yerke's family has nothing to do with this and the comments made about Kate are very distasteful. It is clear that some are more desperate than ever, especially now since the election has passed and a particular husband/wife team got their azz handed to them by the voters. Grow up already!!!!  

Joe, practice what you preach, "keep it truthful"??? You know your statements are false regarding Kate & Yerke's daughters using twp paid cell phones!!! 

SO who are all these women Yerke has attacked? I'll bet the actual details will never surface here!!! Why, because the truth would be just way to embarassing for at least one of these women that you are standing behind!!! Making new friends??? Wonder why!!! Oh we know why!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters on Sunday 24th of May 2009 01:02:14 PM


Hey Joey?? Bite me! :))

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RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

Wow is right ... Oh my God ... is even better. Wow he sure is the Pot calling the Kettle black with that particular post.

Well I hope he is ready for the $hit storm that could rain down upon him ...


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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Posts: 3768
RE: Posts by Joe Pilchesky

This is low, even by Joe standards.  I understand that this Yerke guy isn't exactly a role model, but no one deserves this.  We should keep an eye on this specific posting...Pilchesky may try to "edit for clarity" once the $hit hits the fan.  It would be fun to post the "before" and "after" versions of this for all the world to see.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
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