RE: TONIGHTS MEETING IS OFFICIALLY CANCELLED It'll take a month of Thursdays to get everything downloaded through the council president. We'll take one Thursday at a time and get what we can get as we proceed. Gatelli is not getting away with anything. She'll be served with lawsuits on tape, and she'll be questioned from the podium about her public comments, as will Fanucci. Her answers will be used against her in court. If she refuses to answer, her silence will be used against her in court. If she has any brain matter larger than the size of a pin head left, she'll resign, as will Fanucci. McGoff is as much a part of this as they are, and he's going to be subjected to questioning, too. The darkest days of council are ahead, but clear skies are on the horizon if we get McGoff bumped off in the primary. A 3-2 people's majority nuetralizes the betraying Gatelli.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
3/29/07 RE: Stalag 340 N. Washington to be locked down at 4:00 pm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are many more Thursdays left in the calendar. Tomorrow is only one of them. In another Thursday or two, the crony tide will recede and the real voters will take over, right back at it, asking questions and reconfirming that Gatelli is a corrupt, lying, backstabbing, two-faced betrayer.
I thank Mayor Doherty for this very special blessing in the form of demonstrating how much he fears open government. All for nothing, Mr. Mayor, all for nothing. You know it and I know it. You're situated to buy time, but that's it. All of the paper trails lead right back to you, and time can't make that go away, can it? I hear the judges are getting a little cranky. You didn't cover your bets, did you? Gatelli means nothing to me, Mr. Mayor. She's a small fish, but not you. You're the big fish, not the biggest, but a big one nonetheless. If you don't mind, I'll pass on Gatelli and just keep my eye on the prize. Nice try, though. I have a grand says she's gone by the Primary.
Posts: 725 Date: Thu Mar 29 8:44 AM, 2007 Views: 168 Quote | Reply RE: An offer: if Judy Gatelli resigns, I won't......... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
April 5th can be a great day or Judy Gatelli and family. She should just take a minute to crawl to the top of the ridge and get a peek at the political troops gathering for a political assault upon her like these political battlefields have never seen before. She will force a highly public demand for her resignation, from yard signs to radio and TV ads to mass mailings. She is considered a betrayer to the utmost degree, a political maggot like we've never experienced before, a political snake or even worse, a political devil that absolutely has to be exorcised. She reminded the public how to feel insulted. She revived an anger that was lost to apathy for decades. She awoke those in the deepest apathetic coma. The people want her gone from council in the best interests of city government. I'm going to deliver that for them. The terms are up to her. Show the people some respect for what acts of betrayal she's done and resign. Some some respect for the burdening taxes she has provided, and resign. Show a little bit of class, a little bit, and resign.
I encourage her to consider this offer seriously. The political assault won't be isolated on her. He bosses are included. You can call it a new high or a new low, it's all the same for me. But, it will be new. There's never been a highly public resignation campaign before. This will be our practice run. I promise that it'll be just as ugly for the Doherty/Lynett faction as it will for Gatelli and her handful of loyalty blind supporters.
April 5th. Is it the day it ends? Or, the day it starts?
RE: Sunday fishwrap article on Joe Legal strategies have often adopted the application of divide and conquer. They certainly can't team up if they're not on the same team at the same time, can they? The potential defendants haven't isolated themselves as yet. That'll come in time. Gatelli? Today a defendant, tomorrow a witness. Who knows? We're in every-man-for-himself territory. Her answers may feed others to the wolf, and maybe not. This much is certain, they have to file preliminary objections. I'll take it from there. Then, they will soon have to file an answer. That's when the players will all know where they stand. I can hear Gatelli now, "If my husband loses they'll all hang." (Gatelli in front by 370 votes) It's collateral damage, but what can you do? Doherty gave her the playing cards, now she's going to demand a stack of chips. Why not? I would, wouldn't you? However, if he's not in the top five in the D and R results, he's screwed because not long after the primary, these answers will be due and the hangman will know which necks get the custom-fitted noose.
I just didn't like this post ... especially the very last line ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Very serious questions for Mr. Pilchesky. Pilcheskys Brain on drugs wrote: I'm not being a smart ass or busting balls, Joe. I know I've been adversarial and somewhat contemptuous. And, I'm not saying I'm speaking for anyone, or if I'm not. This is a drop dead serious question: Is it too late for Judy to resign to make this lawsuit go away?
Yes. Ashes, know how it goes. This administration barely has a heartbeat left. I should know, I've had my pulse on it for two years now. It suffocating on its own arrogance. Appropriately, Chris Doherty's time has come to face his executioner, politically speaking, of course. There will be no mercy for the face that fronted corruption and the voice that lied us 300 million into debt. This is the Lynetts' Golden Boy. He won't be worth the price of scrap tin within the next three months by the time I'm done with him. if he's still in town. Anybody who comes to this lowlife, corrupt thief's defense within that time will stand with him, and fall just as hard. The lawyers defending Gatelli better be very, very careful how they handle this. And, I'm mean very, very careful. I hope I've made myself abundantly clear.
It's showtime. And, I'm ready! Anxious, actually.
How about how he's telling Gatelli's lawyers to be very very careful ... what's up with that? They will do the job for which they have been hired to do ... they will defend and put you on the spot ... you must show that you have been damaged by anything she has done ... I'm sure that they are ready and anxious also ... anxious to bring you down Pilchesky!
-- Edited by LusOnlyVoice at 16:02, 2007-04-18
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: JUDY: THE LYING PIG WILL DO ANYTHING TO ELECT HUBBY babymama wrote: talk and language like that is what gives this site and users a bad name and reputationTalk and language like that is free speech, like any other. The tone here was set by this administration a long time ago. This particular poster is being generous, trust me. We're in a war on words, they should be happy that's where it is, not everyone is comfortable with it, myself included. I can think of a lot of ways to rid us of this vermin, and if I was 10 years older, I'd have done it already. The bad reputation is a qualified statement, and well deserved. We do bad here, and we do it well. Very well.
Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate How sensitive and considerate for Judy Gatelli to take the time out of her busy life to have a drink or two with her new friend, Warden Janine Donate, at the Radisson. Ironic though, she never had the time of day for these social encounters before the father of her grandson went into Lackawanna County's prison system, where Judy Gatelli would like him to rot if she had her way. Gatelli is on a hate binge where this man is concerned from the day she was unable to have her grandson named Gatelli instead of Loch, the name of the child's Dad. For whatever reasons Mr. Loch got himself imprisoned, there seems to be some evidence that indicates he's in there longer than he should be, and there seems to be some indications that he's suffering compound consequences for doing things others don't suffer at all when they do them. Mr. Loch definitely appears to be targeted, but is it because Gatelli wants him targeted and wants him incarcerated for as long as possible? The judicial handling of this matter raises strong suspicion of prejudice and selective judicial abuse.
The warden has influence over the quality of his stay, not to mean there is any quality to begin with, but there is an element of quality that at least attends equity throughout the prison population. The warden also has influence over the length of his stay, whether or not reports were honestly filed, privileges were restrained and prison rights were provided; or, whether or not punishment in "the hole" justified the violation of house rules. All is not what it seems at the College of Stone Knowledge. Things are askew and appear to be more wrong than right. Who is this woman? What are her qualifications in terms of education and experience? What does her political dog tag say. i.e., Property of the County Commissioners or Property of the Politician who can fill My Pocket?
No need to kid one another. This is Lackawanna County and she's a political crony appointment who filled a void created by convicted crony Tommy Gilhooly, a true blue crony whore. Are we to believe the crony whore is out and the Ethical Princess is in? Or, is it the whore is out and the Unethical Pimp is in? I don't know for sure, that's why I'm asking. Mixing her name with the likes of Gestapo Gatelli is not a plus by any means.
Where was she educated? Degrees? Experience? Democrat or Republican? Who has she supported? Background in prison supervision? Ethically challenged or ethically correct? Who is on the Prison Board that she knew to get this job? Is she really a warden or a prisoner herself?
What the Hell is going on behind those closed doors? I'm also looking for any communications from any prison staff regardng mistreatement of staff or prisoners. I'm also seeking to get letters from prisoners explaining their Plight in Prison. If you have a friend or relative in the prison, I'd love to hear from them by letter. Everything will be confidential, but I'd like to know right from the horse's mouth how functional or dysfunctional that prison is run. I'm in possession of one horror story backed up with documents. Are there more?
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate Joe, the prison is the best kept secret in the county. If you know the right people and you get sentenced to 3 months to 30 years, you can either be out in 15 days of suffer in there for 15 years. Donate is as crony as they come, they wouldn't have it any other way. I'd bet anything they wish you were in there, you'd never see the light of day.
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate My brother is in there. He'd rather be exiled to a third world country. It's absolutely disgusting in there. It's more political than City Hall. Maybe doherty learned all his political tricks from Tommy Gilfooley. You can't even imagine what goes on in there, but I think we're all about to find out. It's overdue. I like it, maybe it'll change conditions and treatment in that ****hole. I'll be seeing my bother tomorrow and I can give him your address and phone number so he can spread it around. You'll get responses, I guarantee it.
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate Dont ask dont tell wrote: Joe, the prison is the best kept secret in the county. Was.
Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate I know the dept of licensing has a write up about that place. My cousin was in there at the time, and they had to go and move all the dumpsters, etc., because the inspector from the City was insisting on it. I could give you more informationj when I get it.
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate Joe, instead af aggravating yourself wondering if she's educated or not, just go in and engage her in an intelligent conversation. It won't take long for you to realize this is not a well spoken woman for a county prison. Better yet, get your hands on any letter she's written to anyone. You'd think a ten year-old wrote it. The lights are on, but she's not home.
You're the guy who exposed to the entire population that Doherty hired one incompetent, inexperineced, uneducated phony crony in cabinet positions because they have nothing to lose by following corrupt orders. I think you'll find the same thing here. That position required puppet strings, as your journey into the belly of that crony beast will reveal. The system abuses the non-political prisoners, but the politically friendly prisoners abuse the system. Prepare to get sick to your stomach, if you thought City Hall was a den for corruption, favoritism, prejudice, racism and retaliation, wait'll you get an earful of what goes on there.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate I know a mother who was concerned for her son's specific health condition and tried to contact Betti and Donate. She left message after message, each time stating what she was calling about, and never received a return call. This went on for about two weeks. And, when she tried to go to the jail to see Donate, the warden wasn't in - for about two weeks!
God, Joe, if you think you've been getting alot of info about the corrupt politicians in this county, this prison issue will blow all of that out of the water. It can only lead you to the judges, who we want to expose anyway. I hear Harhut's and Barasse's name thrown around alot in these prison stories, and some of the same lawyers' names, too.
And to think that these officials will all have Judy Gatelli to thank for shining the light on gotta love it!
__________________ Practical politics consists in ignoring facts
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Wanted: Anything and everything about Gatelli's new friend, Warden Janine Donate It's beyond me why they call it a prison. It's better described as a business center. They need the prisoners to fill their crony owned programs like Clearwater. I've heard from many people that Judge Barresse may have a finanical investment in the company that makes the electronic bracelets. I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. In particular, the drug offenders are cattle-herded into a variety of programs that goes to their benefit if they take them. They can get out early, but it's for a price. Everything is out-sourced now, and I mean everything. It's a business, not a prison. As for Warden Donate, when's your birthday?
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Frankly I think it's joey who had better be careful how he classifies people. Comparing people to pedophiles and prostitues is a little over the top wouldn't you say?
RE: O'Brien and Doherty seen going into Greco's office today Pink Resume wrote: But, please, "O'Brien was seen talking to the Mayor....." Uhhh, yeah, and???? Since all of you are so politcally savy and smart, what would you do?We are ALL Americans, aren't we? If not there are plenty of other places to live.And what? And Doherty is the biggest corrupt thief who ever held office, for starters. His movements are a matter of great importance whenever they're with any other elected official. Who he's seen with is a matter of concern for all of us. We'll take whatever he and O'Brien offer, considering O'Brien is Louie's new rented mule. Smart politicians keep their distance from Doherty publicly, particularly with his sister in step with them.O'Brien's movements are being tracked, make no mistake about that. All eyes and ears are tuned in for anything that can help us to defend against whatever may be a threat to all of us.We shouldn't have to consider living somewhere else in the face of all this corruption when we can just invest a little time, energy and money in getting rid of them. Your views are shallow and unrealistic. Would you wonder what was going on if a child was seen with a pedofile? How about a man seen with a prostitute? O'Brien is not a lock, as he thinks he is,and November is a long way off. Don't forget, 16,000 voted against him when they voted for Evie. I'd be careful about those Doherty sightings. Very careful.
RE: O'Brien and Doherty seen going into Greco's office today Joe,I'm unrealistic? So you think that the Democratice Nominees for Lackawanna County Commissioner should not speak with or be seen with the democratically elected Mayor of Scranton, who is also a Democrat? I am sorry Joe, that is unrealistic and you know it. Please give me one example where that has ever happened before you call me unrealistic. It is also unrealistic and offensive to anyof us who know someone who has experienced child abuseto make the comparison that walking around with Dohertyis similar to a young child walking around pedofile or a prostitute. These are F'n politicians, not pedofiles. The amount of life long pain and suffering that abused children endure throughout their lives is more than any Mayor could ever do to you or a city. I dont want to hear about Doherty raping the city and all that other bull****. Child predators are the most disgusting human beings on the planet. Chris Doherty may have screwed a lot of people and may have made many deceitful decisions, but unless you have proof that he is also a child molester, your comparison is offensive, irresponsible and unexceptable, and frankly not accurate.With that being said, there is nothing wrong with tracking everyone of our elected officials and holding them accountable for any wrong doings that may transpire.Also I have followed this election very closely and I havent seen, read or heard from anyone anywhere that O'Brien thinks the election is over. I am curious to know where you got that information from. Last time I checked the incumbents were still in this race, and Washo and O'Brien are well of aware of that.
RE: O'Brien and Doherty seen going into Greco's office today Pink, get your head out of your ass. No one called Doherty a child molester. Is reading comprehension anchallenge for you? Again, your views are shallow, meritless, unsupported and to be most succinct, worthless. Your diatribe offers little more than I'd give to my door if I walked into it, except I'd probably get a more intelligentresponse from my door. You're out there.
Ok this is the usual looking for information on somebody ... because Curley Joe Pilchesky is going to file yet another Frivilous lawsuit.
Now I am wondering about something ... can we sue Curley Joe for wasting precious tax dollars and court time filing all of his frivilous lawsuits? I am just wondering!
Wanted: Gress/Cordaro info - I want to sue There has been some information posted here about Gress getting a nice contract for concessions, etc. Does anyone know the specifics of it, front to back, so I can have those specifics in order to form a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the contract if it was in any way unlawful, unethical or fraudulent? Was it a no-bid deal? What? I need those little between-the-lines details if they're out there. Every little specific detail appreciated. Other stuff about Gress/Cordaro has been posted here and there, but repeating it here is what I'm looking for to get it all isolated on the same thread. seeking specifics like when it happened, who got screwed, what kind of money is involved, who benefitted, who brokered the deal, if anyone, etc.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
There is not enough justification for his actions ... He blows my mind I don't even know what to say about the things he does most of the time
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Jr. Council needs a new leader NotADumbBlonde wrote: Thursday, September 7, 2006DOUG MILLER:25 Now, some people come up here for their1 five minutes of fame and share no ideas or ways to2 improve this city. It's time that people take these3 meetings more serious and not make a mockery of them.4 We come here to conduct city business,5 and if nobody likes that, then, please, I ask you don't6 come here and waste time. Thank you.ENOUGH SAID. Kid of not, those words are grossly disprespectful to everyone's right to free speech. A good council presedent would have shut this kid down as soon as he said that, but he's a part of the Gatelli/Doherty show more times than not. Gee Joey aren't you the one ranting about free speech and how it should never never never be "shut down"? It's still free speech even if the person says things you don't like remember?
There's a time and place for kids. It's not now. His words are not just insulting, but they're biting. He's insulting adults who have been members of the working class for 30 years and longer. He's insulting the rights of others to speak, just as the Times does. He's a very sneaky and underhanded young man and I personally believe his purpose is self-centered and self-serving. The words come from a child, but they're are directed at adults on an adult stage and they're far departed from being supportive of the taxpayers who have been eagerly raped over and over by Chris Doherty. Funny I read the same passage above and all I read was a personasking for speakers to take meeetings seriously and bring ideas to meetings. He also asked that if you are coming to meetings to make a mockery of the meetings stay home. You know the old saying? the one about out of the mouth of babes? Sounds like a bright kid to me. However, as he is not kissing the DD thugs assses he has to no right to free speech. Free Speech only applies to Joey and his pre-approved select few... ironic isn't it?
Here's a kid, if he stays here, who will be paying out his ass for 30 years for the debt caused by Doherty WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT. He inherits this monstrous debt personally, as will his contemporaries. Does he not have the intellectual capacity to process that information? Doherty has shrunk the dollar he'll earn tomorrow to 35 cents, but you don't hear a word about that from ths kid. He's a plant. Granted, he mixes his topics up, but the mainstay of his messages are attacks against the rights of others to speak and criticize this administration. He's most definitely trying to influence the people who watch the meetings. Wow He is trying to influence the outcome of meetings and public opinion?What? You mean he is using a public forum to express ideas that may lead to action by our goverment and to garner support for his ideas with the individuals who attend or watch the meetings on TV? Yikes!! Who told him about theright of citizens to address their goverment in the hope of adressing a grevience? You don't think he may have learned about his rights in school do you? This must be stopped.. everyone knows the only people allowed toaddress the goverment and the public is the doomers!! LOL LOL Joey you are such a total jerk it's scary.
If I don't have 500 emails from people who have had their fill of Doug Miller, I don't have one. I vote you don't have one ...that actually comes from a normal person and not one of the trained puppies you call posters.
He's a snake in the grass. He's a young one, but the venom is in there. He's very supportive of Gatelli, the most poisoness snake in the grass to ever sit on council. He doesn't have a nickel invested in this city as a taxpayer, and may never. This is a city in a great deal of very serious trouble. This child delivers messages adverse to recovery and adverse to exposing those who put us where we are. The words he uses are not from a child, but from an adult. He reads them. He is old enough to know the intent of the scripts he reads. He does it with a passion, as Deleware stated, but he does it with loyalty to Gatelli and Doherty. Yes, they send a child to do a man's job, but he's doing his best to get that job done for them. His innocence has been wiped away by his consistent messages in support of Gatelli and Doherty. He's not just a child. He's a political messenger, just packaged a little differently. He needs to be exposed just like any and every other crony who stands against recovery and justice.
I caution you Joey to tread very carefully when you decide to EXPOSE a child. The law may allow (unfair as that may be) you to pick on an adult but my sense is the courts will not be very freindly towards an attack on a child.......nor frankly will the public.
RE: Sam, your summons was sent today, June 27 Savvy wrote: This seems incredible to me that Mr. Patilla is being charged. If he can have criminal charges against him for raising his voice, then free speech in Scranton is gone. Free speech will never be gone in Scranton. Sam will expand it, redefine it, and, in fact, reinforce it. Sam is going to more clearly define what free speech is and is not in a political setting. Most people don't know just how far free speech can go. In political settings, it can go pretty far, and a lot further than Sam took it. In this situation, Mag. Farrell will do as she is told. She's as crony as they come, if not by direct breeding, then by sleeping with it or patronizing it. It was Alyson Farrell who initiated a phone call to have this forum shut down, right from her magisterial office, and on the taxpayer's phone, and while working on the taxpayer's dime. That arrogant and corrupt act led to a federal lawsuit against the DA and the Pa. State Police, which led to a Federal Court Order and Injunction issued by Judge Caputo that basically advised all authorities to keep their hands off the free speech being exercised on this forum. They all got slapped around. Alyson Farrell directly launched the free speech issue into federal court where we came out much stronger than when we went in. Now, Gatelli's blatant arrogance is going to make free speech even stronger by showing that the anonymous posters are fully protected from the things they've posted here. It just keeps getting better every time there's a challenge, and Sam's case will be no different.
Sam will use the transcript from his case to file a Federal action against the city, the cop, and the system that's trying to shut him up out of fear of exposure. In that Federal action, Sams' rights will be clearly defined and he'll be more of a free speech problem for this city when they are. Guaranteed. 60 years ago Sam would have already been tied to a tree and beaten to death, practically anywhere, USA. My wife and I would have disappeared two years ago as fish food in the Hudson. Today, we are more empowered than ever by Federal decisions that recognize free speech and what it was meant for, particularly in corrupt political settings. Sam has friends in this situation, more than he knows, just sitting back and watching, waiting for the corrupt Alyson Farrell to make her next politically bad move. And, when she does, the Federal ball will start rolling. I'm going to hook Sam right up to the right people who will shove this whole thing right up Gatelli's and Farrell's asses.
Trust me, what's happening to Sam is a free speech gift. Sam's going to take a few lumps on the front end, but he looks like a big boy to me. We have a long way to go to take all these corrupt thieves like Gatelli down, and the timing on this is so very perfect. It doesn't hurt at all that Sam is a man of color. You just watch where baby this goes.
Tell me this ... is it only my opinion ... or do you agree that Joey is using Sam in his sick twisted bid for revenge against the Hailstone family ... I think he is ... they had the nerve to try and shut him and his website down ... and well now Joey is going to have Patilla file lawsuits against the City along with him ... Sam can you see how they (lump lump lump) are using you?
Read this post very carefully Sam ... and you will see how they are using you ... if you were a white man they wouldn't extend their hand to help .... but that is just my opinion!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Wanted: Everything and anything about Austin Burke Although Mr. Burke is not an elected official, he is a public official with influence in various branches of government. Today, Mr. Burke opted to play an influencial role in foreclosing upon the public's right to open government. Outside of the fact that Mr. Burke is a well known crony, it's ludicrous that challenges to corrupt government would be a turn off to businesses. If anything, that would be an attraction to the area.
At any rate, Mr. Burke is now on the Doherty/Lynett/Gatelli team of oppression and suppression of open government. In the best interests of understanding Mr. Burke's interests in oppression and suppression, I respectfully request that you share anything you know about Mr. Burke, his business and political interests or other conduct that may shed light upon what motivates him, guides him, or otherwise influences how he functions in the business and political arena.
Thank you. They're coming out of the woodwork, showing their true colors, and such exposure has always been the purpose of this movement. I personally want to thank Mr. Burke for his moment of public loyalty to Mayor Doherty, our notorious, corrupt thief.
He didn't sanitize it yet ... that post is from March ... if he didn't do it yet I don't think that he will.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Oh yes I do see the date. It must have been ressurected with a new post added to it. I don't remember seeing it before, though I may have and forgotten it. Humm interesting. See Shari I told you I can be mistaken about stuff. :)
-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 09:19, 2007-06-29
RE: New Medical School Site I spent the afternoon around many families at Mid-Town and Florence Apartments this afternoon. I was there taking a lot of pictures and I wanted to speak with as many of the residents as possible. I was able to speak with only a few, mainly because most of the residents there do not speak much English. Perhaps, Mid-Eastern is a better name for this apartment complex, instead of Mid-Town? Are these people the Medical School's and Bob Mellow's target because they'd put up very little resistence? Who will represent them? Atty. Quisenberry of Philly? The same lawyer who represented the residents of Wahington Plaza - right out of their homes?
I was very surprised with how expansive this apartment complex is, and also how clean it is. Quite meticulous, everywhere. Some residents allowed me inside their apartments and we talked at length about their fears. What Senator Mellow is proposing to do to these multi-ethnic groups of families and friends is not acceptable. These people are close, dependent upon on another, and Mellow wants to scatter them. Some have lived there for over 20 years and have close ties. I'm wondering how Mellow would feel if he were forced by the government to relocate away from friends and family. I don't own a crystal ball, but I do see this matter becoming something of a very public war involving a lot of public officials. What Mellow is doing is very low and very cruel. Why, for God's sake, would Mr. Angeli, with his personal baggage, want to be right up front and center with our top resident queer, Bob Mellow? That Medical School does not need to be located there. It can be located anywhere. Economic benefits are more theory and projection than sound fiscal investment and dividends. Southern Union was supposed to be a big "corporate" magnet, too. And, if that school did get built here, I can name the contractors right here and now, and they all appear on every campaign contributor list from Mellow to Doherty, from Shimkus to Smith and from Wasnac to Carney. Big school = huge construction kickback = crony administrative job hires = crony Section 8 apartments out of the blue for the relocation and the local stores go bust because 700 consumers were tossed to the curb in favor of crony students with no money getting a free grant-subsidized education funneled through our queer senator and his circle of wealthy land robbers.
It's a broad daylight robbery in my view. Legal or not? The courts will decide, and probably the Supreme Court, but the court's will DEFINITELY decide. See ya' in court Bob, that'll give ya' a chance to see Chet. How thrilling and exciting for you and Chet. No winking or groping until I'm out of the building, OK. And, no offence, but no handshaking.
-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 06:52, 2007-07-01
And what exactly would be his standing in that particular lawsuit?
Why is it that Joe seems to be so obsessed with the sexual preferances of the senator? I just don't get what this has to do with anything ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Patilla's alleged crimes on YouTube Gatelli has once again compromised the authorities with her premeditated hunger to make an example out of Sam, but this case reeks with "white man" prejudice and the attendant belief they can muscle this black man into submission. I've spent some time with Sam, and unable to say much more at this time, I can assure these "white men and women" that they've selected the wrong black man to play this game with. This black man is not only a passionate fighter, he's a very savvy, intelligent man with a particular awareness of his rights. Sam is not going to bend, buckle or back up. And, he has friends, as the "white men and women" are going to find out(that sounds like another threat to me) .
On another note, it has come to my attentin, that Sam lied to the FBI regarding the officer in front of his home, he allegedly claimed that this officer was outside his home on another date, and lo and behold that particular officer was not even working that day. thanks
Surprise ... Surprise ... Sam lied ... Ducky did you post that or is that part of Joey's post?
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Atty. Reihner, the liar, will take Cordaro down. Yes, something did happen. I got yet another motion out of Reihner's office with more blatant lies and totally clear misrepresentations of law as he knows it to exist. I've had it with their complete absence of honor and ethics. Nothing is beneath these lawyers. Rinaldi is not different. He stood right along side of me in court arguing things he claimed I said that I never said. When these guys get jammed up for a good defense they switch to their auto-lie mode for something to say, instead of saying nothing when they're beat.
Reihner may think he's offering more than I can handle, and time will tell if that is an accurate reading on his part. Meanwhile, he's just pissing me off more than I was in the first place. As trained lawyers, it's clear to me they're not trained in human behavior and responses. It's either that, or they severely underestimate their opponent. I thought I made it clear that I'm not a nice guy. I guess what I didn't make clear is how capable of a 'not a nice guy' I am. I will clear that up forthwith for Reihner and Rinaldi. I'll be posting his Motion to Dismiss soon, as well as another legal document he recently filed. First, I have to prepare the answer to them both so others besides Reihner sees where this is going to go. No skin off my ass. I'm not the licensed profession, if that's what they refer to themselves as.
I don't recall anyone ever accusing you of being a nice guy ... but to me this particular post is somewhat questionable ... and a possible threat in my opinion ... but again it is only my opinion ... why do you feel the need to say:
::::: I thought I made it clear that I'm not a nice guy. I guess what I didn't make clear is how capable of a 'not a nice guy' I am. I will clear that up forthwith for Reihner and Rinaldi.:::::
Just what did you mean by that statement Joey????? Inquiring minds want and need to know!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Beatdown of Stacy Brown/TT on spins, lies and concealing the truth I get a little flak from some posters who don't feel it's appropriate that Stacy Brown is referred to as Uncle Tom. They say it sounds a little racist. I agree, it may sound racist, but the shoes of slavery fit. Stacy Brown's crony-fitted articles are the work of a man under the thumb of Plantation-like owners of the old South. He walks, talks and writes like a man captured by slavery. He doesn't walk, talk or write like a free man, regardless his skin color. Worse than that, he betrays each and every resident and taxpayer in the county and city with his 'water carrying' loyalty to the true cancer in our community, the Lynetts. If it looks like a man in slavery, and it talks like a man in slavery, and it writes like a man in slavery, then slavery is what it is. He could be called much worse, but until he begins to act like a free, dignifed, self-respecting and honorable man to the people who are now currently suffering from his lowly loyalty to the Plantation owner, the name Uncle Tom fits him like a glove. How that man can look at himself in the mirror and not see the dispicable and ugly servant of corruptoin that he is, is beyond me.I saw him at the Evans' party and the sight of him was truely sickening. Who invited him? That was a party for free men and women, not slaves shaclked by the loss of morality and conscience. ( Is he saying blacks are not allowed around Miss Jan? Is she ok with this "new rule"? Are the DD goons going to go along with this hideous racist attack?)
Stacy, I know you read this site. Do not, under any circumstances, ever contact me again for any interviews for any reason. I don't care what it's for. It's an insult to hear your voice, and more of an insult to read your factless, untruthful reporting. The shoe will be on the other foot soon enough. You're as much a part of the corruption in this city as the Lynetts and Doherty. I've had my fill of your betrayal and dishonesty to the people you lie to and deceive practically every day. You think it's journalism using words to play with the minds of good, hard working people in order to protect the thief in the mayor's office? The likes of you and Cole are having a good time playing games with the lives of good people. Just remember that you lowlifes have taught me that the only Golden Rule is that there are NO RULES. And, remember that you're dealing with a man more corrupt than that sissy Chris Doherty. We're bumping things up a notch or two, Unlce Tom. Soon, instead of doing the writing, you'll be doing the reading. Tell that to that boy-lover John Cole. (again is he intimating someone is a pediphile?)
-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 09:46, 2007-08-17
I'm not the least bit surprised ... racisim runs rampant at
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: Beatdown of Stacy Brown/TT on spins, lies and concealing the truth Short article in today's paper about our settlelment with the authorities regarding the DA. Seems Andy wants to make it clear that the DA paid the Pilcheskys NO MONEY. "They didn't get a dime.", he proclaimed. Well, we never claimed that we got a dime from the DA. Point of this post is that Uncle Tom wrote that I had no comment on Andy Jarbola's comments. That's because Uncle Tom never contacted me about Andy's comments and he has me cell phone number, even though I've instructed him not to call me anymore due to his inability to write the truth. More lies from Uncle Tom, who's not only incapable of writing the truth, he's extremely incapable of understanding who his adversaries are. I thought I made it very clear that I am not a nice man. You getting that Stacy? NOT A NICE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You on medication? My response to your lies and spins will appear everywhere in the weeks before the next election. No need for any further provocation, Unlce Tom. I can take whatever you dish out. Been there and done that. We'll see how good you are at taking it when I publish. Without talking to Andy, and considering you're the writer of that brief article, I really don't know what is true or not. I'll reserve a response to him until I find out if he said what you wrote in the context you wrote it. Your well-earned reputation as a liar precedes you.
RE: Commishoners Race Done Now Time To Take Over School Board
StorminCarmen wrote:
Mark my words and then next in the crosshairs will be Mr. Pilchesky. We have a special front page salute ready for him.
I hope you didn't get wind of the lawsuit I plan to file against Minora and Munley for rigging an election. I really thought I was keeping that under tabs. Maybe that special little something I have in my back pocket about STacy "free with his hands" Brown? Who gives a damn, the people don't believe what the lowly Times prints anyway. If they printed I was a serial rapist, I'd end up invited to more parties by the Jesuits up at Chapman Lake, where the boy-lovers meet every Saturday night for their ritualistic gay romp down to the waters edge where midnight boat rides are the real Moonlight Special for the locals.
Court's Order on revealing anonymous names We had oral argument two weeks ago on this matter. Gatelli wants the names of 100 posters without even stating to the court what any of them did to deserve to be defendants. She just cited 100 anonymous names, then cited about 135 posts that she claims were defamatory and thought we'd all just run for the hills. Wrong. The court has ordered her to assign a posters name to each and every single posting she claims is defamatory, and to submit the entire post, not a part of it as she did, and to explain how any of the posts were defamatory to her. The Order speaks for itself. Essentially, the judge is telling her to prove her case regarding any of the posters. In court, her lawyer, Mr. Reihner, admitted that a majority of the posts contained no defamatory words, but he included them to give the court a view of the political climate here. Nice of him. That's where we're at now. It'll be interesting to see which, if any, he can prove are defamatory where a public official is concerned, especially this corrupt, thieving, lying, two-faced, fat-assed, betraying, backstabbing, nazi, whore, snake in the grass, incompetent, degenerate, crony, butch-looking, foul-mouthed, bitch. Did I forget drug user?