While we can't stop the aging process, we can take steps to ensure a longer and healthier life while helping to control our healthcare costs.
If exercise is not part of your regular daily routine, make time to get moving. Walking three or four times a week at a brisk pace for 30 minutes can help lower your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
What and how much we eat can have an impact of our weight and risk for diseases. There are lots of new diets promising immediate weight-loss - sometimes without even having to exercise - that may work in the short term. But for long-lasting results, follow a balanced diet with sensible portions. Supersizing food portions can supersize your body! The food pyramid guide can get you started toward a healthy diet.
Get regular health check-ups. Early diagnosis can result in a quicker return to good health - and, in some cases, even the difference between life and death. Ask your doctor about the cost and health benefits of recommended treatments and procedures. If a prescription drug is recommended, ask the doctor if you can use a less expensive generic or over-the-counter medication.
By staying healthy and being a wise health care consumer, you can make a difference.
This is just one person's opinion -- mine! ~~PD where True Freedom of Speech Rings ... DD ... where freedom of speech only applies if you agree with King Joe Pilchesky ... I prefer true Freedom of Speech!