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Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

Read this shocker... (hope it works)

The woman has finally shown her true colors. She is so wrapped up with her hatred and contempt of the Mayor and fellow Council members that she WANTS them all to get sued, and is showing HOW to do it! Now if that isn't dereliction of duty, I don't know what is!! She SHOULD resign (but she won't), and if she doesn't, she should be investigated by an Ethics commission (at the very least). She has brought disgrace once again to the city. Everyone knew she was just as morally corrupt as the whackos over at the DD site...this just proves it. To paraphrase those yahoos over at DD: "Janet Evans just committed political suicide". Can't wait for the Thursday night meeting! But this is an even bigger dilemma...'The Office' is on for an hour, the council meeting is gonna be great, and I don't have TIVO or a VCR! What the hell am I gonna do? Ah, I'll figure it out!

Does It Look Like I Give A F...?

RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

For someone that is supposedly concerned with the overstretched city budget, for Janet to be calling on people to sue the city is despicable.  And its all because of her hated for the mayor and because of her smoking habit.  I'm nto a fan of the mayor, but I won't disagree with everything he does just to disagree.  Even though overall I think he's plunging us into enormous debt and neglecting crime, I will agree with him at times, and the smoking ban is one thing I will applaud the mayor for.  Also, Janet just wants to protect her own dirty habit.

Just because I think the mayor is doing a lousy job, does not mean I have to be a "Jan Fan", as implied by the DD crew.  I find her to be a condescending vindictive know-it-all.  I haven't watched a council meeting since I cancelled my cable a few years ago, and its for the better, because her soapbox tirades are like nails on a chalkboard and seem to go on forever.

It really is a shame and that Janet Evans is entrusted with teaching our youth.  I'm glad I live in West Side, and my kids won't have the "honor" of being a captive audience to one of her condescending soapbox tirades.




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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

Well well well, this article certainly begs the asking of a few interesting questions:

1. Please Mrs Evans justifiy, for the "burdened tax-payers" that you claim to care about, encouraging more money be spent on a lawsuit? 

2. Please explain, since clearly you have an e-mail account, why you are the only City Council member who does not have their e-mail available to "the people".  Don't you want to hear from "the people"?

3. Please explain which "people" you claim to be representing? 

4. Please explain why you seem indignant that someone has read a "private" e-mail, yet you have, to date, expressed NO indignation about DD invading and assaulting people's PRIVATE LIVES?

5. Who do you think turned your butt in?  Seems you may need to start asking some questions soon, as it looks like you don't have as loyal a following as you thought, doesn't it?

First accusing the Mayor of "illegal" activities and now encouraging litigation in an e-mail (I would submit a questionable communication with a special interest group), it seems to me in place of the butter (as in butter wouldn't melt in..) in your mouth, you have inserted both your feet up to the knees.


Hey Joey?? Bite me! :))


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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

Dammit, the chipmunk running my computer's wheel must be on the fritz, I can't access the site.  Is it today's paper?


Stupid people piss me off !


RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

E-mail spurs calls for Evans’ resignation



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Mayor Chris Doherty and two members of City Council called for the resignation of Councilwoman Janet Evans on Tuesday, reacting to an e-mail in which she expressed hope that business owners would sue the city over the new smoking ban.

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In the Dec. 9 e-mail, sent to Gunner Nole, a member of the Scranton and Lackawanna Taxpayers and Citizens Association, Mrs. Evans also refers to the mayor as the Pennsylvania Economy League’s “boy.” PEL is the distressed city’s recovery plan coordinator.

Mrs. Evans also chides council members, predicting they will “mutilate” her proposed 2007 operating budget, which she submitted last week as an alternative to the mayor’s spending plan, and apologizes to Mr. Nole for failing to bring his request for a referendum on the smoking ban to the attention of council.

“Admittedly, I am obsessed with the budget, which is soon to be mutilated by my council colleagues and criticized by PEL,” Mrs. Evans wrote.

“Yes, PEL requested a copy and will appear on Thursday to defend their boy.”

After addressing a possible referendum on the new smoking ban in the e-mail, Mrs. Evans floats the possibility of a lawsuit against council.

“I am hoping that small business owners might join together in a lawsuit against council,” she wrote. “Yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if they fear the wrath of (Mayor Chris) Doherty.”

Council President Judy Gatelli, who also received the e-mail, called the comments “shameful” and called for Mrs. Evans to resign.

In protest, Mrs. Gatelli opted out of a Tuesday night work session called to discuss Mrs. Evans’ proposed budget.

“If it were me, I’m sure she’d ask for my resignation as well,” Mrs. Gatelli said. “And I’m not so sure I want to sit at the same table with someone who is trying to initiate a lawsuit against me and our taxpayers.”

Councilwoman Sherry Nealon Fanucci, who also declined to attend the work session in protest, echoed the call for Mrs. Evans’ resignation.

“Mrs. Evans’ contempt for the administration, along with her continuous quest to attain higher political office obviously has had great impact on her judgment,” she said. “She should quit.”

Councilmen Bill Courtright and Bob McGoff could not be reached for comment.

Mr. Doherty said the e-mail raises questions about Mrs. Evans’ ethics and should be formally addressed by council.

“I find it ironic that the person who recently stated that the city could ill afford more litigation would encourage lawsuits,” Mr. Doherty said.

Undaunted, Mrs. Evans defended her e-mail and took aim at her colleagues.

“Shame on any of my council colleagues who want to use my private e-mail or the smoking ban to justify the mayor’s budget,” Mrs. Evans said. “It is smoke and mirrors, and I had hoped that when the smoke cleared we could get down to the most important issue, which is the budget.”

With a 4-to-1 vote in favor of the smoking ban, Mrs. Evans said council had already invited a lawsuit. In 1927, the state adopted the Clean Indoor Air Act. The law restricts municipalities other than first-class cities from enacting tougher laws than the 1927 act. Scranton is a Class-2A city, and the local ban, proposed by a West Scranton High School history class, is a tougher law.

Council solicitor Amil Minora has said the Clean Indoor Air Act leaves open the discretion for municipalities to impose smoking bans. Mrs. Evans, who cast the lone vote against the ban, disagrees.

“They passed an ordinance that is against state law, and so my feeling is that they have initiated action,” Mrs. Evans said.



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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

Yep, it's today's paper. To quote Art, check out this fresh pantload "

Joe Pilchesky
Posts: 225
Date: Wed Dec 13 10:08 AM, 2006
Views: 129

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RE: Janet's e-mail

I'll put this into perspective for you, Bomber, since you're too stupid to do it for yourself. The Smoking Ban will be challenged by city lawyers representing a certain city business, unknown to me at this time. The city will, of course, have to hire lawyers to fight the case. Over the span of five years, they will agree to repeatedly disagree on everything. The Smoking Ban will be defeated in the end, and it will only cost the city 2.5 million in legal fees to reverse something that was never legal to begin with. In hindsight, Sherry Fanucci will be the ass of the decade, but by that time she will be long out of the political arena, enjoying her lifetime guarantee of sucking off the taxpayer's dime in exchange for the flagrant participation in the corruption of this adiminstration. The right thing to do here is to challenge it before this whole play hits the judicial stage, like so many others have done since this disgraceful excuse for a man took office as mayor.

For the record, Janet Evans is not the queen of the haters. She, if anything, is the Queen in the eyes of many taxpayers who see she is the only elected official who is not bought and sold by Mellow/DeNaples/Lynett. She gains more respect for being the voice of the taxpayers than anything else, and she will continue to gain respect as the Doherty Administration continues to crumble.

Doherty is a political leper, and he has infected Gatelli. Fanucci and McGoff were no good lepers going in. Courtright is a fencer, undependable. Evans does not suffer from such an infection. The people see that, and the Times couldn't sell it if they spent every last penny trying. The entire population looks at the Times as corrupt, and the people believe exactly the opposite of what is printed in it. The Lynetts are the scourge of our times, the disease that ails us and the true enemy of the people of NE Pa.

Doherty and Gatelli will face the music in due time, and not much further off in the future. These two betraying dogs have already been exposed as the lowlifes that they are, enemies to the people, corrupt thieves in every sense of the word. The political and social consequences for their betrayals approach from many sides. I've said this before and I'll say it again. In the long run, Doherty will be the best thing to ever happen to this city because he educated so many of us on how an adminstration can steal so much in so many different ways. When the dust clears, all avenues of corruption will be blocked by some legislative machinery or another, and there will be in place a way to immediately rid ourselves of any future betrayers like lowlife Judy Gatelli.

Get your act together Bomber, we're sick of having to explain this to you and the likes of stupid people like you who come here. Perhaps it's too much to ask of you to be honest, is it? You don't like the privilege of getting a chance to speak truthfully, is that it? Make that you LAST senseless post, or I shall make it the LAST senseless post for you. You're embarrassing yourself, that's how idiotic that post is."

But of course, the king of frivolous lawsuits is gonna stick up for the queen of mean. Is there any way to find out how much HIS lawsuits have cost the city? You should see all the sheep over at DD crowing about what a hero Jan is Can ya imagine? This is how brainwashed these people are. If anyone else so much as hinted at a lawsuit against council, the sheep would be out of their minds with rage. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. This city is truly in trouble.

Does It Look Like I Give A F...?

RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

I have officially lost all respect for Joe Pilchesky.  This proves that the only thing he cares about is his little crusade against Doherty....he doesn't give a crap what kind of legal bills he hands to us TAXPAYERS, you know, the taxpayers that Janet Evans claims to "care" about?! 

That's my tax money you're playing with, Joe.  It must be nice for Pilchesky that he can afford to not have to go to work everyday like the rest of us......he can just ride around in his vette filing lawsuits everyday, while us working people pick up the tab.  I wonder just who is funding him?  Could Janet be one of the puppeteers behind that site?

And let it be known that I am a former DD poster (but one who has no connections to Joe, Janet, or anyone in city politics for that matter....just a concerned taxpayer).

At least with the debt that Doherty is giving us, we have some concrete things to show for them.  With Joe all we get is an endless circle of frivolous litigation.



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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

::: I have officially lost all respect for Joe Pilchesky :::

::: And let it be known that I am a former DD poster :::

and another one gone, and another one gone, ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST


Stupid people piss me off !

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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

But of course, the king of frivolous lawsuits is gonna stick up for the queen of mean. Is there any way to find out how much HIS lawsuits have cost the city? You should see all the sheep over at DD crowing about what a hero Jan is Can ya imagine? This is how brainwashed these people are. If anyone else so much as hinted at a lawsuit against council, the sheep would be out of their minds with rage. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. This city is truly in trouble.


Dill I have written a letter asking for the information on how much it has cost for the frivilous lawsuits ... as soon as I receive that information I will post here for the city to see.


I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet.  Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.


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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

::: the queen of mean ::: that name suits her to a tee  - and whoever thought to put her in the same category as Leona Helmsley had the right idea! 


Stupid people piss me off !

DD: Where logic & proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

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RE: Janet has lost her friggin' MIND!!

In a way Janet Evans and Mr P make a perfect pair. They really do. Both talk a big game about being 'for the people' and 'free speech', but when you lift the veil you see that it's really JUST ABOUT THEM.

The latest Janet Evans boner...the a classic example. Funny, anyone else recall that she voted FOR the smoking ban when it was originally introduced? Well then she discovered that supporting it doesn't draw enough attention to her (far be it for our 'rebel without a cause' council member to vote with the majority), so all of a sudden we have a change in heart. With Janet Evans it never was about's about finding yet one more way to stick it to the mayor and his supporters. Yeah Ms Evans, you are really 'for the people' long as those people hate the mayor. As for her partner in crime Mr P, one need only look at his lawsuit batting average to see that it isn't victory in the court he wants, IT'S ATTENTION IN THE COURT that he really craves.

Oh, and I can't go without gloating at the mob turning on 'Gunner' over at DD. Nothing like seeing the Legion of Doom pirana's eating their own. Maybe once they are done with Gunner they can move on to Granma. No, scratch that...First because Granma would be far to sour to eat, and second, that would deprive all of us with the comic relief she so eloquently provides.

Sorry if I sound particularly angry, but it was a long day and I am particularly disgusted at Janet Evans at the moment. My single biggest frustration? It's the fact that the mayor's budget is flawed. It does need work. Expenses should be cut more. However, little to any of that will be done, because Ms Evans will insist on playing her little game of courting favor with the unions and the hate mongers instead of working with her peers and the administration to craft a reasonable budget. Apparently compromise and working collectively doens't draw enough attention to our beloved council member Ms utterly pathetic and wrong.

Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
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