Scranton according to Milo is a very lonely place. Have any of you taken the trip to Milo's world? He has been up and running since December 6th ... he only has five members ... although that's all we have but then again we don't require registration, never did, never will. He has had a lot of view ... though ... but what is it about Milo's place that keeps people from stopping by to chat ... 4 days and not many posts ... come on Milo lay some of your wisdom on those people ... what's wrong with you? You always have enough to say on DD ... did you suddenly become shy? What's up?
-- Edited by LusNewVoice at 08:52, 2006-12-10
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
He's too busy digging up the 'dirt' on all the city officials to post there! But like Art said, he loves to read his own work...that's why there are so many views. They're all him, checking to see if his fellow 'revolutionaries' have stopped by to say how much they love him!
I guess more people read my post then I thought. The word is out: Milo is a fraud, and I couldn't be happier! He's a lonely, lonely man.
Hey I know what you mean I was at Milo's site and there was nothing there it was very surprising as I always thought he knew more then Joey did maybe later huh what do u guys think?
Well, I kind of view it as being like competition between two of those dollar stores. In reality, both stores sell the same stuff, but all of it is very cheap. I do confess though that when 'the literate' Mr P (possibly assisted by a certain English teacher?) post something it can border on being mildly entertaining, provided that it doesn't involve rabid personal attacks on people. I've not seen that level of entertainment in Milo's posts...maybe he needs to get his own English teacher 'consultant'.
-- Edited by Agamemnon at 07:03, 2006-12-11
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
Maybe he just needs to stop speaking in the third person. Not even any of his 'buddies' want to see that more than they have to. It is rather irritating.
I have got to admit that you both are right on the money about Milo ... he is very annoying ... but I like our Anonymous poster thought there would be something there with some kind of information ... all we see there is it's forthcoming and when it comes ... well you all know the drill ... I myself was very disappointed in my trip to Milo's world.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
::: MILO, I hope you are not going to let the people from that filth board on yours. We do get angry and use some off words. But their language is uncalled for. Please Milo, Set them straight NOW. Small people use filthy words. You/ WE don't need them. We are here to get our city back. Not to knock good people with FILTH ! :::
That just makes me scratch my head - isn't he one of THE filthiest posters????? He hasn't posted too often at DD for the past few weeks - I wonder if the collective JoJo gave him a boot to the curb
and - FYI from the admin at the wannabee board - ::: Thanks all...the board has been set to require registration...we will keep order in the house! :::
hmmm, and there's not a symbol in ANY one of those peep must be editing for him
That poster wasn't talking about our board were they I can't see any filth on our board ... but then again I have learned lately that I may just be blind ... but it's a strange thing ... I can see the keyboard and the screen for the computer ... so I guess I'm not blind.
There is no order to keep in that house as there are no posters over there other than that desperate Voice of Reason who is pathetic enough to beg him to talk with whoever that is ... can you imagine ...
The person who advised Milo to take registrations did that so people would be afraid to go over and post as they think registration is some sort of covert operation ... if you remember how they reacted to us when we first started out ... then you would have a little glimpse into the paranoia that the leader of that cult puts in their little heads .... the must worship only him and bow at the altar of the Wise and wondrous Joey the Pill. Bow down
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I could give two ****s what goes down in Milo's world. What I'm happiest about is his lack of posting on the DD site. And when he does, he'll have that nagging doubt that everyone who reads his stuff knows he's a fake. That makes me feel warm and tingly inside! Or was that the manhattans I just had?
I like to keep my eyes on all that they all do ... I think Milo is the biggest fake I have ever run across ... he has taken down the posts of that desperate Voice of Reason ... yesterday there were 5 today only 2 ... I guess that person will be banned soon.
Of course DD is my favorite site to watch ... I think there are many over there who are starting to give Joey the Pill a bit of trouble ... and it's about GD time. I read his place daily ... actually I have usually got all three sites up and running at the same time so I can just click back and forth to watch them all. Maybe I'm becoming obsessed.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Hey Art glad to see you back ... I sadly have been banned from DD and Milo's place ... I was the Voice of Reason poster ... you know the one I called desparate. Milo banned me for posting a potato pancake recepie. Oh well, there needed to be something worth reading up there. And Joey Banned me for letting it be known that I was not the LusNewVoice posting on his site ... he didn't like that so he took down all my posts.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.