"The leaders of the two networks all are originally from New York City and moved to Scranton to set up shop, officals said."
The picture accompanying the article says alot. One fat druggie bastard with a huge smile on his face - "Look Ma - I got my pitcher in the paper!". The next druggie covering his entire face because he doesn't want to be recognized when his waistband finally hits his ankles.
$3.8 million - that's a big dollar amount for some skank drug dealer to be bragging about. I am a supporter, but Mayor Doherty, you need to open your eyes and see the crap that is flowing in from New York and New Jersey (via WIlliamsport and Hazleton). It's one thing if a handful of bored kids are spray painting bridges and giving themselves tough-guy names, but when 27 adults infiltrate the area and make multi million dollar drug sales, we (you) have to do something about it. Not just arrest them for doing something illegal and pat yourself on the back because you caught 'em, but make it more difficult for them to WANT to come here. Scranton has been known as a "soft-touch" for many, many years. Hell, people would come here on a bus in the morning and by dinnertime have a fistful of food stamps, a $200.00 check and a voter registration card in their pocket.
After we beef-up our own police force, the next thing to do, is to take away the free-reign Sister Adrian has taken advantage of for all these years. She busses these people in under the guise that they are indigent and need her help. I'm all for helping my fellow man, but can't we get her to bring in an upstanding citizen or two who are willing to work and help themselves - instead of those who are only willing to accept that check with their name on it. God forbid anyone stoop so low as to wash a dish these days.
Ach - gimme a coffee - it's too early in the day for r-r-ranting like this.
No that's not it Girl ... sister sneakers ... she does bring in so many that should not be brought here someone told me that she has signs in subways and bus stations in NYC, Jersey, and Philly ... there were more but can't remember where. I don't think that is right I think that we need to take care of our own here first and you are right it seems that most of the instances with the crime and the drug deals come from the people that she brings in.
$3.8 million - that's a big dollar amount for some skank drug dealer to be bragging about. I am a supporter, but Mayor Doherty, you need to open your eyes and see the crap that is flowing in from New York and New Jersey (via WIlliamsport and Hazleton). It's one thing if a handful of bored kids are spray painting bridges and giving themselves tough-guy names, but when 27 adults infiltrate the area and make multi million dollar drug sales, we (you) have to do something about it. Not just arrest them for doing something illegal and pat yourself on the back because you caught 'em, but make it more difficult for them to WANT to come here. Scranton has been known as a "soft-touch" for many, many years. Hell, people would come here on a bus in the morning and by dinnertime have a fistful of food stamps, a $200.00 check and a voter registration card in their pocket.
That is an unbelievable amount of money and I can tell you this I was not afraid to walk the streets before .... but I'm thinking about all of those junkies who couldn't get a fix ... I might be a bit afraid now because they will be looking for more money to be able to find a new dealer ... that is quite frightening ... so I don't think it was the nun on the run we worried about talking about ... I do however think that your post (all true) was quite startling and we probably didn't quite know what to say to it.
See I will ramble if you want ... most people don't want me to.
I am very glad and congratulate the SPD in their efforts to clean up the streets ... keep up the great work guys ... The law abbiding citizens applaud you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.