I have a dilemma and would like some advice or opinions please.I have had health insurance for about 10 years now and although our circumstances have changed financially (for the worst like the majority!) we have always managed to keep it. It helped last year as kids went free with VHI and the baby was free to this renewal. Anyway, we are up for renewal now and the new quote for 2 adults and 3 children is over 2000 (which is 175 a month and we can afford it now for the next couple of months but after that it will be a struggle)
We had the GP only card last year and we sent in all our bits to renew it in January and I was very shocked when we received a full medical card there last week.
So basically I don't know what to do - part of me wants to keep some sort of vhi for DH and me just incase anything happens and the public hospitals are so stretched as it is I'd be worried about waiting list etc especially for DH as he is the only breadwinner (a self employed one at that). Is there any point in keeping just basic cover, would access to private hospitals better?
DH's attitude is what do we need it for we have a medical card and it's a bill we can't afford etc. In truth, he was always against paying health insurance but I just dealt with the bills and money and he knew we had it.
Does any of ye have a medical card and private healthcare? Did ye keep it just for the kids? my kids are 6, 3 & 8 months and are all pretty much healthy, no issues with tonsils or ears so far.
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.