Now I ask you does this look like a person in pain? I hope whoever is representing the school district in her workman's comp case get this video. Missy Jan if you can run around high-fiving people at your victory party you can teach class. Get back to work and stop sucking off the taxpayers you parasite.
i can only watch the video 1 time because my stomach does flips when i see her she is the most person i have ever had ever come across and she has a lot of people fooled but not this guy she reminds me of one of those creatures from the land off the lost called sleestacks
LOL I remember that show or (and I mention this only because I am reminded of it it is now a "new" old show) these aliens on V.......remember they looked human but were actually reptiles underneath?? LOL LOL
really don't think much about it ... I'm a little disappointed but other than that ... I don't often think about it at all.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.