Hardcore is right. The evidence is even circumstantial. The evidence of the wheelchair in fact could be a ploy by Dan Hubbard or Joe to discredit our illustrious mayor. For all we know one of them could have done the deed. I knew Dan way back when ans he is sneaky as they come. Joe has admitted to questionable ethical tactics in the past. There's a real conspiracy theory for you.
I doubt it, I have never claimed to be an angle, but I have never been sneaky. I have always been an in your face guy, I don't hide nor sneak...I don't need to. I call it like I see it and if people don't like it then too bad. If you knew me back when, then you would know that I don't back down and have never had any problem getting right in somebody's face over just about anything.
I'm the guy that will call you out and take you down if I need to, no need to sneak, its much more satisfying to see the look in your eyes when you hit the ground then to lie in waiting.
The gentlemen with the wheelchair is a friend of mine and our children play together as well so your idea or joke is just that, funny. Like I said whether it was poltical or not it happened and its a clear sign of what is going on in this city.
If your going to make accusations then come on down and say to my face, don't sneak around behind your anonymity. I'm in the book if you would feel more comfortable calling.
Just pointing out that conspiracies run both ways. You and Joe seem to be on point on this issue. Hey I don't like Doherty as much as the next guy but people get crazy on this board dragging the cops into the conspiracies. My cousin is one of those nightshifters that people keep refering to. So relax there tough guy.
First I made no accusations towards any police officers and second you actually make the accusation that I was sneaky back when you knew me......Which is wrong, because I have no need to nor do I sneak around anywhere.
How is that pointing out that conspiracies run both ways? Joe and I on point for what? I basically said that the chair will be fixed and thats it? Your dragging me into situations that I have nothing to do with to try and prove some point about other posters and what they said...Thats just as wrong as them dragging your cousin into this, isn't it.
My point exactly. I knew you would rise up to defend yourself. I don't know you from Adam but I knew you would never let an incorrect accusation go without responding. How do you think some people who are wrongly accused feel? The posters who disagree with the attitude of this board get jumped on all the time. They don't have a chance to defend themselves. I apologize for using you to trying to prove a point. I may not be clear but I never you would at least respond to the accusation.
The posters who disagree with the attitude of this board get jumped on all the time. They don't have a chance to defend themselves.
This site is for a specific purpose and if some posters don't like the attitude then they either have to get thicker skin and grow up or don't post its that easy. If the people in question had any balls then they should come on here and defend themselves under their own names and have proof that it is indeed them.
If you choose to hide under a rock and cry that people are making fun of you instead of being a man and standing up to the so called injustice then you get what you deserve.
There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction JFK
Just pointing out that conspiracies run both ways. You and Joe seem to be on point on this issue. Hey I don't like Doherty as much as the next guy but people get crazy on this board dragging the cops into the conspiracies. My cousin is one of those nightshifters that people keep refering to. So relax there tough guy.
Which cousin is yours? Doherty blowjob Arbie or Doherty blowjob Condron?
We'll take it from there. What is it exactly that you'd like relaxed. I'm the Captain of this ship and no one else.
This is simple. Name your cousin on the night shift.
You raised the issue. I'm trying to provide you with the full opportunity to explore your conspiracy concept to the benefit of transparancy. We do transparency here, often and well.
This site takes an average of 20,000 hits a day. That's a nice audience for you to expose any facts or opinions you'd like to share.
No one is ducking your issue. It's properly raised. It's valid. It's worthy of discussion and debate on a healthy and respectable level.
I'm here. Don't be so bashful. It's not dark in here and the water isn't cold.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
quite interesting if you ask me ... notice Joe ... and Dan for that matter ... do not deny the accusation!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I just thought that it was quite interesting that neither of them denied the taking of the signs ... I would have stated that it was not me rather than go on and on about not being a sneak ... hmmmm ... very interesting indeed!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Oh and how about this for good news ... I read at City Data ... I no longer post there as Dan gives me crap all of the time ... and I just don't need it ... but anyway if Chris Doherty wins ... Dan is moving back to Tel Aviv ... good news or what???? Just another reason to vote for Chris Doherty ... just my opinion!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.