I know that many of you may wonder why I am starting this particular forum ... well as of late I have not really been feeling well ... I seem to be having quite a difficult time recovering from a cold ... that's right a cold is kicking my a$$ ... I have been battling this beast for about a month now ... maybe longer ... everytime I feel a bit better .... the next day it seems to be back upon me with a vengence.
Now I know I do not eat a healthy diet ... or are deep fried sweet potatoes considered health food (I'm kidding of course) ... I know that I could stand to lose a pound or 2 (more like 50 or 60) .... and I do know that at my age I need to get up and start moving more ... I really need to quit smoking .... not only for my health but at 4.90 per pack ... it's killing me ... $5.00 per day right now ... that's $35 that could go towards a bill .... where is my head ... I am about as unhealthy as it get right now ...
Now here is the thing .... I thought that maybe there was someone else like me out there .... reading this site that could use a buddy .... because if we are there for one and other (online of course) to encourage each other when we need encouragement .... to say "Hey Great Job" when we have accomplished a goal .... to share a recepie or diet tip ... To talk each other down when we feel the need to reach for that smoke ... then maybe we wouldn't feel quite so alone in our quest for fittness .... now I'm not looking to be super slim model ... I just want to be healthy ... its been a really long time since I have felt good and I would really like to wake up with an energized feeling every day.
But .... I know that I will not be able to inspire anyone to do this until after the holidays .... and that's ok .... maybe we can begin researching some recepies ... some exercises (that won't kill us) .... it's just a thought .... so I will be starting this .... and I may end up doing it alone .... but .... I may end up taking this journey with a friend or two .....
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
A very nobel endeavor. Kudos for suggesting it. And don't feel alone in your struggles, because I think we all deal with our own demons. As for me, I'm lucky in the sense that I've never tried any tobacco product, ever, and I don't drink alcohol (except on very rare occasion...like a glass of champagne once or twice a year). I do struggle with eating right and my weight though, which means I also struggle with my blood pressure. At my thinnest, I weighed about 175lbs (and I'm 6'3.5" by the way), but at my heaviest I came in around 265lbs. Now days I'm off the heaviest weight by about 10-15lbs, but it's real tough to do the right things to keep the weight down. A few years ago I did lose a lot of weight...I went down to 211, but that crept back up over the last three years to the point where I'm really concerned. Like you, I just need to get more motivated I guess.
Anyway, good luck. Hopefully we will get some folks to share their ideas and successes. I'll do my best to contribute.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
I have found (through my own weight loss trip) that portions are a big problem in USA. We simply do not know what a proper food portion looks like so we "super size" everything. Basically it takes a cut of approximately three thousands calories to lose a pound of fat sooooooooooooo if you were, for instance, to cut 1000 calories a day, over the course of the week, you would lose approximately 2.3 pounds a week.(1000 x 7 = 7000 divided by 3000 = 2.3333)
Now how to cut 1000 calories?? Well this is were portions come in big time! I recommend talking to a licensed nutritionist to develope a meal plan for you. I like the kind of meal plan that instead of saying eat this or that at this or that time (my days are just not that planned out) instead says:
At breakfast you need to eat X-oz's of a protein x-oz's of a dairy product x-oz's of a fruit. The same for lunch and dinner plus in-between snacks. It is important to not allow your blood sugar level to drop too much as this sends a signal to your brain to eat. Eating a little something every 3 hours or so helps avoid that eating reflex.
In this way I have already lost about 30 lbs and I eat exactly (with small modifications or exceptions) the same food as my family does at meals. That makes it so much easier as I am not "off on my own" eating at different times or different foods than everyone else. I now know what normal portion looks like as well, so I can occasionally eat out. I simply tell the wait staff to not add any oil, cream, or sauces to my meal and eat exactly what I need to eat and no more.
It really works very well and I feel soooooooooooooooo much better than i had felt overweight. I am fitting into size 12 clothes nicely now with size 10 right around the corner. I intend to stop at 8-10 given my age and height. I think that should be just fine for me. Once I reach my goal weight the nutritionist will show me how to add calories back into my diet to the point were I do not lose or gain but maintain my weight.
I sure hope that helps some!! :))
-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 09:19, 2008-12-02
That does help IHave ... I have never felt worse in my life ... and I know that in my house I have to make a change for me as well as the other members of my household because I am not the only chubby person running around here ... I was thinking that I could make healthy meals here at home ... and well they would be on thier own as to what they consume when they are not home.
I have been looking around and have found some great low calorie recepies ... I will be putting them up ... I know what it is I have to do ... I have been down this road before ... When I was younger it was so much easier ... but as I get older the things I did in the past don't seem to work.
As far as blood pressure .... well that is the one thing that seems to still be good right now ... Thank God ... I'm actually afraid to know what the rest is ... but I am waiting on an appointment with the Dr. as I do want to know what my cholesterol levels are ... I want to do this the right way this time and make the changes that I need to make to sustain any weight loss that I may experience.
I know I have to get into a habit of eating right ... exercising regulary ... and I have got to give up the smoking ... my lungs are screaming and I tell you that it is worse with whatever it is the cigarettes are treated with now ... although I applaud them for finding a way to make it go out when left sitting ... I sure would like to know what chemeical is being added and the effect that it is having on me.
So many changes to make ...
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
IHavehadenoughofhaters wrote:In this way I have already lost about 30 lbs and I eat exactly (with small modifications or exceptions) the same food as my family does at meals. That makes it so much easier as I am not "off on my own" eating at different times or different foods than everyone else. I now know what normal portion looks like as well, so I can occasionally eat out. I simply tell the wait staff to not add any oil, cream, or sauces to my meal and eat exactly what I need to eat and no more.
-- Edited by IHavehadenoughofhaters at 09:19, 2008-12-02
I think that it's great that you have lost 30 lbs! How many more do you think it is going to take to fit into that size 8?
I was once a size 8 .... and was very pleased with that!
Keep up the good work ... what type of exercise program are you doing?
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Thank you :) I think I will need to lose another 15-20 to make size 8. I am currently not exercising as I am working through a mild medical problem which is temporarily preventing me from doing any arobic-like exercise. I have actually lost that weight withdiet alone. I am looking forward to resuming exercise in the next week or so which should ramp up my weight loss even more :))))
Sorry to hear that you are having health problems ... look out once you are exercising ... 15 -20 lbs will be gone in no time at all.
I have been thinking about joining Planet Fitness ... anyone have any information on this Gym ... Located in the Greendridge Shopping Plaza?
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
I did get a flyer in the mail ... it said there is a one time $59 membership fee and then $10 per month after that ... taken directly out of your checking account or billed to a credit card ... I have seriously been thinking about joining. I wonder if there is a better price if you pay for the entire year upfront. I think I'm going to go down there and check it out.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Let us know how you make out. I'm very luck in that we have a gym at work, believe it or not, so I can use it whenever I want, although I've thought about an outside place as well (because when I go to work...even on the weekend to workout...I end up staying and working).
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.
See Ag ... they probably knew that would happen ... that's why they gave you all a gym!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
This is just a suggestion but I got the Wii workout and after using a gym and usingthe Wii there is no comparision for me. I love the Wii!! It is a bit expensive but certainly nowhere near the price of a gym membership.(at least none that I have priced lately excluding planet as I have never been there.)The best part for me is the never having to travel to the gym. I work out (when I am able of course) for two hours right in my own home. It has stretching, arobic, strenght training, and yoga workouts.In additionit grows with you, as you improve and master activites it either increases theamount of times to do itor unlocks a more difficult activity. I really get my monies worth out of it. Not to mention the other games for Wii are wonderful for family time, as anyone and I mean anyone can play. We always play at the holidays and Grandparents (in their 80's) right down to the youngest kids (4-5) can play equally.I really love it overall.
I had thought about getting a Wii ... but try getting your hands on that system ... just about impossible! But that looks like a lot of fun.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
Well I'm gearing up to start ... I think that Monday's are always a good day to start ... I don't know why ... so on January 5th I will begin ... not looking forward to getting on that scale ... but I do know that I am going to indulge myself this holiday ... if I want cookies ... I'm gonna eat cookies ... gonna enjoy the dinner with all of the holiday trimmings ... not going to think about it ...
I'm stock piling my recepies for what I am going to be eating ... trying to come up with a good exercise schedule that will fit my life ... gonna give up that draf beer I like ... I am actually getting excited about this ... I am going to do a system clense the weekend before I begin my new health life ... get the toxins out ...
I am not sure if I am going to give up the smoking at that point or wait ... I think it will be very hard to do both at one time ... what I should do is plan on an extra 10 pound weight loss to cover the gain everyone experiences when the quit smoking.
Anyway I thought that I would share this with anyone who is interested ...
Jan 5 I will post my first weigh in .....
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.