As much as I agree Janet and her idots are the minority, I do have to agree that the police chief should NOT get a raise......13,000$....What do we have a director of safety for? He the chief was observed at the parade at the parade in his pants and sweater...he doesn't even wear the uniform.....he is appauling.
Pay the workers, before you pay the administrators. The police and firefighters have only had 2 raises in the past 18 yrs. The money they did receive was from the past arbitration awards, money received because the past administrations failed to follow the contracts that they negiciated and signed. What does a civil servant have too do to get a raise ? Take it one step further, 30 years ago the Scranton Uniformed Unions were the highest paid in a 100 mile radius, now 30 years later they are the lowest paid, something needs to be addressed, or we will lose all our qualified people. Watch how many are leaving for bigger and beeter paid departments, and I don't blame them one bit.
Just when you thought it was safe to open your mind......