Apparently 'some lady' came up to this fiscal genius on the street to ask him about her taxes. When asked, did he know her name? Nope. When asked, was he able to offer any information about how council might be able to contact this woman? Nope. Couldn't and wouldn't offer any information -- she must be a relative of the imaginary Attorney Pulaski.
-- Edited by His Girl Thursday at 19:02, 2007-09-25
The first guy is Joe Pilchesky. Apparently he's a tax genius. He not only doesn;t pay taxes by his own admission, he gets to complain about how the tax dollars paid by the actual taxpayers are spent.
I defer to Pilchesky on any and all tax paying issues.
When I need to call "da' 'tourney gen'ral" I'll call Ray.
...a skilled student of the law ...a gifted writer ...a master carptenter ...a savy political king-maker ...a renaaissance man that men fear, children love and women adore
-- Edited by Agamemnon at 20:58, 2007-09-25
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.