My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher What's this I hear? Dawn Gatelli was interviewed for a SSD teaching job. English teacher, as in, teaching the foreigners how to speak English. Personally, I thought you had to know how to use the English language yourself before you could get a job teaching it. Certification required for that?
Also has been suggested that Mr. Moran's wife has been interviewed and hired.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher I would have figured that she might have interviewed for a drama teacher, though that she may possibly follow in her mother's foot steps as a drama queen.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression hiring at the SSD was based upon exam scores and the like, not upon nepotism. Whether or not Judy's daughter scores a job up or not, is there some way to find out exactly what the hiring process is. Seems like our area is a haven for crony abuse and hiring an entrie family structure. Look at the Brazils, they're all over the place. That's no coincidence. There are other qualified people in this city equally deserving of a job.
My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher ESL - or English as a second language - is becoming more and more necessary in our schools. It's too bad, but that's the reality of todays world - or at least the USA. I'll keep my feelings on that subject to myself. From what I've seen those that teach ESL are minimally better at the language than those they are teaching.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher If she's anything like her Mom, the infamous Judy "Filthymouth" Gatelli, she may be teaching the foreigners some colorful language. If that's where they have to fit her in, that's where she'll go, but what about other candidates that tested much, much higher than she? There are better educated teachers out there waiting to get a job who earned it, and not because their Mom is a crony rubberstamper like Judy.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Judy has to come through with jobs, lots and lots of jobs. Jobs for everyone, and when it's all over, she'll be out in the cold as a useless, tapped out old political whore. The last of her kind in this area. She'll user the era of in-your-face rubberstamping out the door as the heat intensifies on this brand of blatant corruption. If I were one of kids, I'll be looking for a job in Philly under a new name, certainly not Gatelli. Gatelli will FOREVER be the name in corruption, deceit and betrayal. She's a disgusting woman, and pound for pound, the worst councilperson we've ever had, worse than Fanucci, and she is deplorable. Sue me Judy, you digustingly ugly fat crony pig.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
No free rides wrote:
Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression hiring at the SSD was based upon exam scores and the like, not upon nepotism. Whether or not Judy's daughter scores a job up or not, is there some way to find out exactly what the hiring process is. Seems like our area is a haven for crony abuse and hiring an entrie family structure. Look at the Brazils, they're all over the place. That's no coincidence. There are other qualified people in this city equally deserving of a job.
Hiring is not based on test scores. Rather, it is based on how the candidate ranks in the Network. Trust me, there is nothing that divides the ICN more than the hiring practices of the SSD. Every parent thinks their kid is smart, and they freak out and cry politics when, even after the parents pulled all the strings possible, their kid doesn't get a teaching job.
Think about how you'd feel if you paid thousands of dollars and put years of effort into a teaching degree (because you knew that you had a very good shot at getting a job with the SSD), only to be rejected by someone with even more pull than you. It is disheartening for ICNers, to say the least.
Wannabe ICNers, like the Gatelli family, have to work even harder than full-bred ICNers, which is why she will beg (well, actually, only Bill Courtright is begging), borrow [millions upon millions for the Mayor] and steal [coveted property in South Side especially] for the Mayor.
The ICN is an equal opportunity employer when your profession is vitally important to the Network. Nobody can steal like Judy Gatelli. I'm sorry folks, but she's got a gift, and she makes Joe Pilchesky in-his-prime look like Mother Teresa. Tammany Hall was also an equal opportunity employer for certain positions, which is why Tammany usually didn't play around when it came the positions of : 1.) Controller and 2.) City engineer. Tammny followed the professional advice of the Controller and Engineer and typically didn't question it. In Scranton, I sense that this is a slightly different story. Tammany always wanted to stay out of trouble, and they always wanted the house in order, so the Controller spot is vitally important. In Scranton, lawyers are vitially important. City engineers are important, no doubt, because they are typically professionals, and if they screw up, they screw up the entire city.
Teaching jobs, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen compared to important professional positions. However, this area is shrinking (i.e. profitable ventures are shrinking) and it is putting more and more pressure on the machine to produce less and less jobs for the children of cronies.
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher The real story is that SSD exhausted the hiring list for English because no one wants to work there anymore. They offered jobs to people on the list and those people are turning the jobs down. Their contract is so bad people would rather go to North Pocono, Old Forge, or Abington. Since there is no list of canidates, they can hire anyone no matter their qualifications or lack their of. Its only going to get worse unless their contract improves. As people retire, the only people SSD will get will be people who arent good enough to be hired in other districts.
My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Wow. Dawn Gatelli was chosen because nobody higher in the Network wanted the job?
The fact contracts aren't as lucrative as they used to be makes sense too. The district's money is probably tied up in development.
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher I am familiar with the hiring process for the Scranton School District considering I interviewed a few years ago for English. You are questioned by a panel of three people. I had the principal of West Scranton, an English department chairperson at West and the Union president. You are asked a series of questions, and your responses are scored; however, you are given major points if you were educated grades K-12 in the Scranton School District and if you live in Scranton including the number of residency years. They even photocopied my drivers license to prove residency. Anyway, there was a huge number of English interviewees that year. Your score, based on the areas aforementioned, places you on a list. The list can last for years. I placed high enough to be offered a position that year; however, I declined the job because I was offered another job in a better district.
Here's the punchline: the same year I interviewed, so did Gatelli's daughter. If my memory serves me right, I was told she placed in the early 300's on the list. I kid you not, because I remember hearing Judy was not pleased by this at all! The list only changes if people are hired, decline jobs or if they open up the list to new interviews. Now, if they didn't conduct new interviews, it's amazing to me how far up on the list they have had to go to in order to find a teacher, that is, Gatelli.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
ihateredsux wrote:
The real story is that SSD exhausted the hiring list for English because no one wants to work there anymore. They offered jobs to people on the list and those people are turning the jobs down. Their contract is so bad people would rather go to North Pocono, Old Forge, or Abington. Since there is no list of canidates, they can hire anyone no matter their qualifications or lack their of. Its only going to get worse unless their contract improves. As people retire, the only people SSD will get will be people who arent good enough to be hired in other districts.
I will ask this delicately, because I really do not know, and don't want to offend anyone.Is the schooldistrictconcerned aboutits academic standards, or is it being realistic, due to the influx of immigrants into the city -- with more to come?
__________________ Doing nothing allows evil to happen.The evildoer interprets passivity as approval so that even being a bystander makes evil worse. Get involved. Speak up. Do something.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
NotADumbBlonde wrote:
I will ask this delicately, because I really do not know, and don't want to offend anyone.Is the schooldistrictconcerned aboutits academic standards, or is it being realistic, due to the influx of immigrants into the city -- with more to come?
The influx of immigrants explains why many experienced teachers are transfering to West Scranton schools, West High specifically.
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher anti, I'm sorry, I don't understand your reply.
__________________ Doing nothing allows evil to happen.The evildoer interprets passivity as approval so that even being a bystander makes evil worse. Get involved. Speak up. Do something.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
NotADumbBlonde wrote:
anti, I'm sorry, I don't understand your reply.
A few weeks ago a friend of mine who is an employee in the SSD said teachers with seniority have been transfering to schools in west Scranton (West High especially) so they don't have to 'deal with' you-know-who. From what I gather, the migration of experienced teachers to West Scranton has been going on for a few years. Is this not true? It sounds plausable, since this is true in many big cities and regions.
I'm guessing since teachers are union there is a bidding process involved with what grade/school they teach? This person said West High is to the SSD is what 1st shift monday-friday is to a union factory. West is where everyone wants to go. This might have always been the case (for probably the same reasons), but I hear that it is even worse now.
Ihateredsux suggested that many teachers would rather teach at Old Forge, Abington and N. Pocono than SSD. What I am saying is that even within the SSD there is preference, and it might be creating inequality. If better contracts are detering good teachers from the district, what might the migration of experienced teachers to West Scranton do to the rest of Scranton's schools?
The population in need of education is growing at the same time that 1.) the total population and taxbase are shrinking, 2.) many qualified teachers won't apply to the SSD because of bad contracts, cronyism/nepotism, and, let us say, unfavorable "working conditions." I suspect the financing of upcoming construction as well as the shrinking tax base is forcing the SSD to tighten its belt when it comes to contracts and educational programs, perhaps undermining the quality of education.
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Its only going to get worse. Why come to Scranton and have to deal with the urban setting? Why come to SSD and pay $500 per month for healthcare? You can go to any surrounding district and have free healthcare and not have the city student body. SSD used to be the place teachers wanted to go. Now it is the laughing stock. Hopefully the new board will see it needs to change or alot of people, including me, will be sending my children elsewhere.
KTM You are correct!! I read your post. I called 45 min. ago 2 people who know what the process was because they were there. They are tied to the political machine but never the less they were 2 of the interviewers. Mrs. Gatelli's daughter scored no less than 344 from what they recall. There was an out cry because she got a job subing over many applicants that scored higher. There is a website with a couple of, well maybe a few people who called you a liar. I think they have 8 or 9 registerd posters. I just wanted you to know that you were correct. Oh and speaking of the other site. I found out today that one of them is in hot water for stalking and leaving GOTTCHA notes at the victims homes. Car and lic # the whole load. And I thought Volvos were only sold to smart people. GOTCHA my a$$. Good luck in your other district teaching job. Can't make this $hit up.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
ihateredsux wrote:
Its only going to get worse. Why come to Scranton and have to deal with the urban setting? Why come to SSD and pay $500 per month for healthcare? You can go to any surrounding district and have free healthcare and not have the city student body. SSD used to be the place teachers wanted to go. Now it is the laughing stock. Hopefully the new board will see it needs to change or alot of people, including me, will be sending my children elsewhere.
Help me understand. What is it about the "urban setting" that is deterring many qualified teachers? Is it the potholes? Is it the machine politics? Is urban setting a code word for something else?
What is a "city student body"? Is it the class size?
Is it true that teachers with seniority are heading for West Side?
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
Press for truth Posts: 29 Date: Fri Jul 27 10:47 PM, 2007 Views: 135
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher This political machine in Scranton is so well oiled that they can make you believe that everything proceeds reasonably. They tread the line so thinly, that you almost can't prove they're lying to you.
It is no secret that Gatelli wants her daughter to teach in Scranton, and rumors were that her daughter jumped up the list over others in order to get a job at NEIU.
Once her daughter gets the job, Gatelli will fall like a domino not being able to take the pressure from the administration to do its bidding. I predict that she won't last long at council, and as soon as McGoff and Courtright get re-elected, she'll resign, leaving another opening for another crony. Bookmark this post and check how my prediction plays out sometime around next Jan.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Anti its not as racial as you are trying to make it out to be. Does the increase of minority population through the city have something to do with it? yes. But it is also the population in general. Look at abington. 90% go off to college and they have less than 15% below the poverty line. Scranton is close to 60% below the poverty line. Most parents in the summit are college educated and expect that from their children. Most people in scranton look down at teachers and education, either because they did poorly in school or because they feel because they went to high school they know what it takes to be a teacher. The majority of schools in other communities are new while scranton building are falling down around them. The worst part is there is no way to improve it. In order to make scranton viable, the district needs to invest vast amounts of money. that means tax increase which will cripple the city. its the slippery slope that will end with the decline of education in the city. i hope im wrong but the signs are all there
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher I'm not trying to make it out to be anything. I merely wanted a better understanding of "urban setting" and "city student body.". By your own admission race "has something to do with it."
You'd be surprised how those poor kids do at the undergraduate level, if they make it there. I wouldn't count them out. I only wish more of them had an opportunity to go to college. The kids that graduate from Abington aren't really as prepared for college as most people think-- they don't have that much of an advantage. If anything, they tend to write a little better and have better math skills, but that's not always true for every kid.
Prisoners (who typically quit school and earned a GED),along with adult students who work full time, drop the bees on undergradutes from Abington or any other affluent suburb. The keys to sucess have to do with time management, maturity, and how bad you want it.
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Anti, here is an article that speaks your language, and I think it describes the state of Doherty's economic theory, which adversely affects the education and property values. Joel Kotkin wrote this, I'm sure you've heard of him considering your wide range of studies. Doherty's experiment, as you call it, was bound to fail in terms of benefitting citizens; but it is a success in terms of greasing the palms of his cronies and family.
An increasingly trendy theory holds that the ticket to attracting and retaining the educated and upwardly mobile is a big dose of urban cool: Think open-air cafes where well-heeled retired boomers and twenty-something professionals gather after the theater to sip Pinot Grigio while looking out at a skyline defined by the latest creation of a world-renowned starchitect.
The facts, though, don't bear out the theory. Most of those twenty-somethings don't stick around. As they get older, according to research by my colleagues at the Praxis Strategy Group, they tend to leave the hip urban areas of New York City, Los Angeles, Boston and San Francisco for the suburbs or for less glamorous but more affordable markets such as Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Dallas and Houston and their suburbs. And that, for the most part, is where they'll stay.
My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Was Gatelli's daughters position FT or PT? If it is FT I know how the school boards arm was twisted to hire her...and what her leverage caareful what you table judy...I know the truth...not corrupt my ass...
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher
revolutionary wrote:
Anti, here is an article that speaks your language, and I think it describes the state of Doherty's economic theory, which adversely affects the education and property values. Joel Kotkin wrote this, I'm sure you've heard of him considering your wide range of studies. Doherty's experiment, as you call it, was bound to fail in terms of benefitting citizens; but it is a success in terms of greasing the palms of his cronies and family.
An increasingly trendy theory holds that the ticket to attracting and retaining the educated and upwardly mobile is a big dose of urban cool: Think open-air cafes where well-heeled retired boomers and twenty-something professionals gather after the theater to sip Pinot Grigio while looking out at a skyline defined by the latest creation of a world-renowned starchitect.
The facts, though, don't bear out the theory. Most of those twenty-somethings don't stick around. As they get older, according to research by my colleagues at the Praxis Strategy Group, they tend to leave the hip urban areas of New York City, Los Angeles, Boston and San Francisco for the suburbs or for less glamorous but more affordable markets such as Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, Dallas and Houston and their suburbs. And that, for the most part, is where they'll stay.
Thank you. I've never heard of Kotkin. I book marked his page.
Richard Florida's nuts are in the fire, so to speak.
Jamie Peck wrote an article titled "Struggling with the creative class" that, in the words of Shed, 'drops the bees' on Richard Florida. Scranton is a social capital community (i.e. Irish Catholic NETWORK). If you want something, you need to know somebody. The 'creatives' don't like social capital communities. They don't like towns where everybody knows everybody.
It is a contradiction that we're struggling to lure the so-called creatives at a time when we can't even keep our own young people. Some call it 'brain drain' or depletion. Talent is leaving the Rustbelt and going to the Sun Belt and creating those 'creative' communities, not the other way around, as Richard Florida writes about. Save for Boston and NYC, all the cities you've listed are Sunbelt cities.
BTW, the downtown lofts are probably going to flop. You can't even get people to rent or buy really nice and cheap homes in the neighborhoods, so where the hell are you going to find yuppie creative class professionals dumb enough to rent or lease a high-end loft?
__________________ Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please...but under circumstances... trasmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living. -- Karl Marx
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Anti you are way off base this is not about equality or where people want to teach this is about a political puppet who is doing favors getting multiple favors in return apparently havinig her daughter handed a job in the SSD.
Any ways an answer to your crap on equality if we are spending the money to teach these people of differant cultures our language than they better damn use it for the rest of thier lives since they have decided to become US Citizens (and I am using that loosly). We dont or shouldnt have to learn thier languages because we are not living in thier contries, they definately should learn ours or they shouldn't be here or suck it up if they are not treated with equality.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Whatever happened to this post being about Dawn Gatelli?
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher I suppose if you have someone like Janet Evans on one end of the education spectrum, you would have to expect to have a Dawn Gatelli on the other.
Unless, of course, that particular school district really gave a damn about providing the best education possible.
__________________ Doing nothing allows evil to happen.The evildoer interprets passivity as approval so that even being a bystander makes evil worse. Get involved. Speak up. Do something.
RE: My name is Dawn Gatelli, and I'm your English teacher Inasmuch as English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, due to itscountless "exceptions to the rule," would this Dawn Gatelli appointment beconsidered an oxymoron?
__________________ Doing nothing allows evil to happen.The evildoer interprets passivity as approval so that even being a bystander makes evil worse. Get involved. Speak up. Do something.
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.