Filing lawsuits against little leagues, beating up bank tellers, bragging about the glory days of the Scranton Eagles, attending wig conventions, ignoring the deplorable condition of his sidewalk and home, making sure he had the sh!ttiest house in the neighborhood, parking on the front lawn, not completing construction projects people paid him for, the list is endless.
Joe had quite a full plate before he became a serial plaintiff. How does he find the time now?
He wouldn't just be a client of the Hair Club for Bitter Men, he'd be the president (no doubt via a lawsuit).
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Anyway, he'd simply find some other lame-assed excuse to be who he is now: a bitter old man who can't physically bully people anymore, so he instead bullies via the court system.
Free Speech does't require a multi-paragrah disclaimer Mr. Pilchesky.