Every now and again a DD'er shows some common sense ... well here it is the Poster Hardcore has come right out and said it ... there has to be more to the story that Michele Strasser is telling ... now that's what we all know ... but this DD'er is showing signs of possessing a bit of common sense ... so I guess what the question is ... how long will he actually be a DD'er after a post like this?
RE: If Chick's can break the law Judy, why can't your grandson's father? I have been reading this thread from start to finish, and I have avoided commenting until now. There has to be more to the story about the guy who was locked up for marijuana possession.
If this guy had 30 grams or under, it's "possession of a small amount", and the MAXIMUM penalty is 30 days in jail plus a fine.
If this guy was charged with "possession of marijuana", the MAXIMUM penalty is 1 year in jail plus a fine.
If he was charged with "possession with intent to deliver" it's a felony, and longer sentences could result.
I have never, ever, seen anyone get jail time for "small amount".Likewise, in 99 % of cases, there is no jail time for marijuanapossession. Even in "possession with intent" cases on marijuana, there is often no jail time, unless the person has a large amount(pounds).
This guy must already have a long record for drug offenses,or was arrested for selling it, or intent to sell it. (felony) Like I said, therehas to bemore to the story that isn't being told here. I don't care how corrupt the system is, there is no way a person can be sentenced to more than the maximum. If he was, lawyers would be lining up at the jail to represent him in the multi-million dollar lawsuit.
My guess is not very long at all ... we know what happens when you don't agree with the sheep and have the nerve to post your opinion when it differs!
I want everyone to stop and think about one thing ... Joe Pilchesky is not a lawyer ... he's just a guy playing a lawyer on the internet. Please don't trust your legal needs to this man.